New Right Australia/New Zealand
The New Right is organised throughout Europe and beyond. We are strongly opposed to liberalism, democracy and egalitarianism and fight to restore the eternal values and principles that have become submerged beneath the corrosive tsunami of the modern world. The New Right has an interest in the various strands of thought connected with the Traditionalists, the Revolutionary Conservatives; the Nouvelle Droit; and the Eurasianists.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Friday, March 19, 2010
No Tricking, No Treating: The ‘Populist Temptation’ And Nationalist Alternative
This is an article by some Australia First people commenting on a post by the Australian Nationalist Alternative. To understand the reply by Australia First, please read the article by Nationalist Alternative first (
Now, as a German, my criticism regarding the original article and the reply is that the neither of them actually quantify what the so-called ‘Nazis’ in today’s modern German nationalists movements are.
It is rather easy, and lets be honest a desired effect by the system, to label a group or people with a word that is designed to evoke fear and hatred within the general political uneducated population. However, for people and groups that claim to be politically on the nationalistic side (what ever that means) and without hesitation use the same language and phrases as the totalitarian Antifa and the liberal democratic media, one has to wonder where they are coming from.
The words ‘Nazi’, Racist’, ect are just ….. words. Their intentions is, by the system, to label people and groups as undesirables, white trash, etc. and generally stop the ‘democratic’ community listening what ‘these undesirables’ have to say, kind of a ‘liberal democratic apartheid’.
I really don’t want to comment too much on both articles. I don’t believe that the suggestions and methods proposed by the article posted by the Nationalist Alternative are a solution to the problem that exists in the so called ‘nationalistic’ parties in Europe. Let’s be honest, most political nationalistic parties are only interested in political power and will bend whatever way it takes so they will get elected. Just look at the BNP in England, and what have they achieved since they are in the EU parliament?
You might knock the NPD as much as they want, but they are one of the longest surviving nationalistic parties in Europe. And if they have ‘Nazis’ in their midst, so who really cares? ‘Nazis’ are human beings too and part of our society; they have their believes, they work, pay taxes and drink tea. Some of them are even vegetarians and do not like German folk music.
As long as political groups and parties exclude people, because of whatever they are labeled to be, from the political processes of a society, the system nothing but a totalitarian entity – whatever they call themselves. As long as labels are more important in today’s political environment then discussing political and social issues without any prejudice, we are failed to go down the path that the system sets for us.
And if one thinks that today’s western liberal democracy is a fair and honest form of government, that is like claiming the catholic church a revolutionary anti-dogmatic society. But then some people are feeling rather warm and cozy in a dogmatic nightmare of self destruction……
Welf Herfurth
No Tricking, No Treating: The ‘Populist Temptation’ And Nationalist Alternative.
This article has been composed by three nationalists, all members of Australia First.
Nationalist Alternative has published an important article. Entitled “Breaking The Bundesrepublik: The BNP, Populism And The Denazification Strategy”, it purports to be a piece commissioned by a member of the British National Party (BNP) for circulation in the German nationalist movement. The stated aim of the article is to encourage a debate that may cause the German movement to adopt a new ‘populist’ strategy based on the experience of the BNP. It was a rather bold proposition that the National Democratic Party (NPD) and let us not also forget too, the German People’s Union (DVU) - might change line.
The article has another significance. Of itself, it is the quintessential statement of a position that has emerged within the broad nationalist community over the last half-decade in Australia.
It is the line that encourages nationalists to adopt key elements of liberal-democratic ideology and politics, to abandon ideology and politics traditionally associated with nationalism and to take a line of least resistance towards the achievement of ‘power’. This line entails the adoption of a number of inter-related things: anti Islamism and a pro Zionist foreign policy as mobilizing and normalizing tools; a mainstreaming plan (that causes the party to purge people or ideas as might ‘jar’ with the mainstream mass); a ‘populism’ that pits common folk against the elite, but which does not challenge the state power; an electoralist method with a pseudo charismatic ‘leader’ who seeks power inside a new consensus of civic patriotism; an acceptance of the liberal democratic order in the realm of business organization and moral principles (ie. it accepts the fundamentals of capitalism and the personalist lifestyle-ism of our society ).
Nationalists have said that this line revises nationalist ideology. It must therefore kill off our politics, since essentially we are expected to merge the forces of nationalism into a new popular ‘freedom’ movement which will trick the enemy inside the fortress of state power into ceding us the governmental power - because we have received enough votes and do not challenge core liberal state ideals.
We have used elsewhere terms like ideological revisionism and political opportunism to characterize this new ‘movement’ of thought and action.
Nationalist Alternative gives a disclaimer. It says that some of this ‘line’ may not apply to Australia, where Asianisation not Islamification (as per Europe) is the main danger to European culture etc. It warns (correctly) that some groups which have adopted a pro Israel line seem to end up as “civic patriots” who cannot oppose the multiracialisation of our Euro-societies. WE wonder why? It also hypothesizes that the Zionist apparatus is not happy with nationalism generally – and they are right.
But they say they are “contributing to Australian nationalist thought and free speech” by publishing the article.
Australia First does not accept that is the effect of the article, nor can we accept that our comrades are naïve. Certainly it makes it look, disclaimer or no disclaimer, that Nationalist Alternative is willing to entertain this line.
For our part, we say that one does not engage in free speech with those inside the broad Australian movement who have operated diligently for perhaps 5 years now (maybe longer?) - to first silently and then openly and rancorously, overturn nationalist principles. To give them air, to not repudiate them openly, is to spread their poison. This also threatens Nationalist Alternative.
In Nationalist Alternative’s case, we note that the organization contains genuine persons who have conducted proper and very useful campaigns – on overseas students, internet freedom and so on. However, it is equally true that Nationalist Alternative finds itself in the awkward spot of endorsing Nationalist Autonomism, a position that places it in the vortex of community action politics and ideological-cultural politics, without it practicing the third part of the three tier method – the electoral and open mass politics. (End Note: see definition of ‘three tier method) It is in one sense, in the shadows, which can be a strength for a direct action group. The autonomist movement has considerable freedom of action, precisely because it operates only one or two of the ‘tiers’ of struggle.
As is the case in most of the European countries, this very significant and politically useful dynamic movement (which Nationalist Alternative clearly wishes to emulate), usually lines up in one way or another with one of the nationalist parties – National Democrats, Social Movement, National Front, Golden Dawn etc., which practice the three tiers method. The existence of autonomist groups outside of the parties often sharpens them and can help define them. The autonomist group then positions itself in a broad front, such that all may move forward in tandem, but all sides maintaining their organizational independence.
Unfortunately, in the Australian case, this whole notion is problematical. It is well known that the Australian nationalist movement suffered a particular ‘split’ in 2006-7. The revisionists and opportunists broke away from nationalism. They set out to take over the former Australia First Party (AFP) and when that failed, they endeavoured to split it, disintegrate it and then after severe damage was done, they constituted their own organization. This became the Australian Protectionist Party (APP) and it declared itself in solidarity with the BNP and its line. Genuine nationalists were ultimately forced to reconstitute Australia First in a new form. They placed Nationalist ideology in command of the party and have rebuilt and expanded it. They repudiated the opportunist position openly.
Nationalist Alternative’s choices for political-party alliances (if they consider they are ‘obliged’ to make them by the general dictates of the autonomist strategy) come down to building arrangements with either AFP or APP. Hence it is necessary for Nationalist Alternative to examine its trajectory.
From the position of Australia First, there is not the slightest intention of using such an in-tandem-alliance (if it were ultimately constituted) to acquire organizational leverage over the NA comrades. Quite the contrary. That could hardly serve our advance in a united front, or represent the three tiers method in motion. We cannot speak for APP, whose mercurial qualities we have long observed and hence we would expect only chicanery on their part. Backstabbers and plotters seldom change their colours and it is well known they conceive Nationalist Alternative as a useful conduit, whereby they can talk nationalism when it suits them - and practice opportunist politics the remainder of the time.
Some people may say that the article was indicative of a foot in both camps. We do not say that to be unnecessarily disrespectful. That is the intelligence we have picked up. The opportunists are ‘nice people’ who have attempted to cultivate contacts with various groups including Nationalist Alternative and the fair-minded tone of Nationalist Alternative is such that a ruthless break with their falsity could be difficult to perform.
For our part, we will critique this piece. In doing so, we trust it will become simpler for Nationalist Alternative to repudiate the false ideology and practice of the Australian traitors to nationalism and uphold their own integrity and the quality of their commitment.
We shall not deal with every part of the article, only those bits that have relevance to our case.
The Red Herring Of Nazism
The author says at different points:
“Here I shall be advocating a broad range of strategies denazification, radical right-wing populism, an acceptance of liberal democracy, the use of certain safe national symbols, a new nationalism, which are used, with great success, by the British National Party”.
The line of the “…. BNP (and the Danish Peoples Party, the Swiss People’s Party, the Dutch Freedom Party and other radical right-wing populist European parties of that type) will work in the circumstances of Germany today.”
The author correctly equates the BNP with these other parties. They are certainly not nationalist parties as he seems to agree and the open honesty is refreshing. That is an important concession.
It is not a question of whether a line will apparently work. It is a question of who follows the line and what they want from it. Are the leaders of these forces – and much of their clientele – people who advance a nationalist agenda? Why should leadership be surrendered to them? Simply because it seems they can amass a larger political audience? And what is the quality of this audience?
Significantly, the author gives the red herring of Nazism as the reason to pass them the leadership.
It is put that the modern German nationalist movement is, in open and other ways, tainted by Nazism. This ‘Nazism’ is defined very broadly – as certain symbols (and not swastikas either) which are employed in demonstrations, as arguments about the legitimacy of the German State deriving as it did from the partition and occupation of the country in 1945, as opposition to Israeli state policies and Zionism , as the public image of intolerance of immigrants. It is put that these are the things that drive the public away, the very things the successful BNP has ‘repudiated’, the things the German movement must dump. The movement does not wish to be seen as “Nazi”, so it must change.
But are the things under examination indicative of Nazism? We do not accept that as we shall explain
Rather, it seems that a strawman-Nazism has been built and it is sought to knock it down. The trouble is that the edifice falls with it.
What Replaces The ‘Nazism’?
The author writes:
“This article proposes a new German nationalism. The elements of this nationalism are: populism; anti-Islamism and an attack on the Left for letting immigration and totalitarian Islam get out of hand; nostalgia for the good old days of culture, morals and fashions of the 1950s and 1960s, and the German economic miracle; a championing of such past German liberal democratic figures as Stresemann, Adenauer and the men of the Reichsbanner Schwarze-Rot-Geld; and definitely no references, especially visual references, to the Third Reich and German National Socialism.”
Again, the false references to Nazism.
The strawman-demon of Nazism is replaced in this new system of thought with the ideology of German subservience to the politics of post 1945 consumer capitalism and the imperialism of the Washington regime (which was first predicated upon the existence of the then Soviet imperialism – as it offered ‘protection’).
Certainly, on one level, the morals and norms of 1950’s and 1960’s Germany may have been straighter and cleaner than those of the present. But were they ideal? Were they ideal, even if some people imagine they were? It is one thing to refer to a cleaner country. It is another to say that the country and its culture and morals, based as they were upon suburban capitalist disinterest in politics etc, upon the consumer world view, were good.
Now it is a fact that the German regime relies upon the images of fascism and the defeat of fascism, to prove its moral power and value. But who said that the rehabilitation of fascism is a project which should be undertaken and further, actually is one which undermines that order? Even if the rehabilitation of fascism was the goal of the German nationalists, could they calculate upon it having that result? It is rather the delegitimisation of the order that relies upon its construction of fascism, which is the point of the German nationalists. The German nationalists look at how the regime’s immorality and illegitimacy rests upon a tendentious ‘virtue’. The German nationalists and major intellectuals, such as Horst Mahler and the New Right Thule group, have relativised the sins of fascism against the sins of the New World Order imperialism and its earlier manifestation in American imperialism. They have attacked the liberal-democratic ‘myth’ that it was fascism and then Marxism which were of themselves so evil – that they justify the creation of a global system of pure evil. If there are any forces in Germany today which seek to play at fascism, which seek to rehabilitate it per se, they are not the main blocs of German nationalism.
The article agrees that the German state was also imposed by terror over its citizens. To develop an amnesia over a fact is to concede to the historical validity of the state. Indeed, this is what the article precisely suggests should be done. In our view, this is defeat before the fight is fought. If the state is legitimate, it cannot be fought.
Every ‘revolutionary’ system of thought must delegitimize its opponent. Could the (obnoxious) IRA have gone to war (sic) if it failed to accept its Army Council was nothing other than the legitimate government of Ireland? Was it not the logic of the American Declaration of Independence that Britain’s right to govern their colonies had been abrogated by its policies? The German nationalists have a hard task, something of which is (admittedly) a product of hysterical history – of liberal mythmaking. Do they throw away a crucial weapon – their theory of the illegitimacy of the German state?
Buying The Historical Basis Of The Regime
The acceptance of the legitimacy of the German state runs all through the article.
Once accepted, the argument is then put that the Eastern strategy of the NPD and other nationalists (which has seen nationalism take root in the former East German areas) should be repudiated. It is precisely here that German nationalism has achieved the greatest success, winning seats in State parliaments, council seats and in establishing wide social-cultural networks. It might be held that this success was due to two things: a recognition of the poverty of Marxist-Leninist ideology to represent working class interests, but an appreciation of its paradox – that it was East Germany that was more ‘German’ than the Americanised ‘West”.
The article says:
“Nationalism has to have, of course, a positive component. What should that component be in German nationalism? The answer is: nostalgia for the good old days of the West German Bundesrepublik an equivalent of the nostalgia, called Ost Nostalgie, or Ostalgie”
Once the Eastern strategy is decried, we read:
“Imagine the tremendous shock it would cause if German nationalists were to declare that liberal democratic bores of Germany’s past, such as Konrad Adenauer and Gustav Stresemann, were the true embodiments of the modern German nationalist ideal. Adenauer’s Germany had no Muslims! Neither did Stresemann’s… That’s what we nationalists want. The liberal democratic Weimar paramilitary, the Reichsbanner Schwartz-Rot-Gold , could be rehabilitated: not brought back to life, of course (that would be illegal), but held up as heroes, brave fighters for liberal democracy who took their fight to the streets.”
The liberal democrats (even in the days of the Weimar Republic) may have been “bores”, but they were creatures who understood nothing of German nationalism. To say that they did, would be to reconstruct historical fact in a manner even Stalin could not have achieved. The liberal ideology leads to the acceptance of the European Union and the Atlanticist direction of that Union – it does not lead to any defence of German identity. It cannot do so. The liberals’ definition of German identity may be a winning football team or a ‘Made in Germany’ sticker on a product. None of that impels a deep defence of Gemanism.
The trick? There were no Moslems in these liberal utopias of yesteryear and liberals will see that and wish to ‘return’ to their golden age. Big deal! Yet, we recall it was these very liberals in the “good old days” who brought in the Turkish guest workers and who opened Germany to Third World immigration of all sorts, directly to sustain the so-called economic miracle! If forty years later, the system bites the good liberal German bourgeois on his arse – it hardly commends praising the regime. These bourgeois may decide to rebel (a factor that must be taken into account), but they only seek a return to the status quo ante. They certainly seek no radical project for the remaking of Germany. Yet, the article assures us the liberals are being tricked to move in this supposedly worthy direction.
Can this proposed new line get any worse?
And Now, The Garbage Society Is Good!
Unfortunately, yes it does get worse! The article says:
“Many Far Right populist groups attack Islamic immigration, not on racial grounds (although, of course, they in reality oppose Islamic immigration on racial and cultural grounds), but on the basis that Muslims do not respect Western liberal values, the values of a free society. They thereby manage to borrow the language of Western liberalism and use it against the Western liberal democratic politicians who have brought millions of Muslims into Europe..”
Yes, but do these populists (sic) really oppose Islamic immigration on any sort of ethnic preference grounds? Have you deceived yourself? And then:
“A populist agitator could easily stir up the passions of the German people by painting a picture of a future Germany where nudism and scanty dress are banned, and beer houses are shut down.”
Yes, yes. It is necessary to divide one’s enemies. If a feminist abortionist dislikes Moslems, well and good, but we may have reservations about her own peculiar ethos. We can understand why nudists might object to them, even if we do not embrace (sic) nudism. The homosexual lobby may have objections too against public lewdness being targeted by fundamentalist moralists. Let alone most folks who enjoy some alcohol in their lives who would find the Koran’s ethos difficult in the extreme. And of course, the subtle and sometimes sexual way European women dress (which does follow to some extent at least in the Indo European tradition) could not please a devout Moslem, given he publicly wraps his partner in a sheet. If Australia’s case is any sad example of such Muslim modesty – it only encouraged violent rapes.
However, defending Western liberal values has a real down-side. Certainly, we may be able to take occasional advantage of liberal discontent with the practises of an alien group. We could write a book about the tactics involved in mobilizing liberals, but we prefer to paste in a few lines from elsewhere:
“Imagine you want to get elected MP for East Sydney. You know it’s full of gays and lesbians, so a nationalist party is just not electable. So you let it be known that Islamics don’t favour butt-pumping and lesbian tongue-ins. You say that it was Aussie soldiers fought for liberal freedom to live as you choose. You have a wife and kids, but you let yourself be photographed cuddling a leather man in solidarity against unfair targeting by Mid-East crime gangs.. You send your kids to a lesbian run day care centre so they can learn about two-mummy families and test tube gay babies. So you are using the enemy’s weapons against him. You let it be known you will legislate for Gay and Lesbian Marriage and civil rights because it’s clever, builds a new base and keeps the mad mullahs out. Parts of Oxford Street sign up into the new party. You get elected. Who are you elected for? What can you do? And when you tear off the smiling mask and say “I was a nationalist all the way along. Ha ha. Trick on you.” – how far can you really run?
We stand on that. In other words, the ‘populist technique’ has serious limitations. It could only create a party of contradictions.
A Psychological Trick: It’s All Your Fault
The attack made upon the German nationalists extends to their psychological makeup:
“All of this is obvious, but the German nationalist lives in a world of cognitive dissonance, i.e., an unwillingness to see the facts as they are). Most of the problem lies in the fact that the German nationalist today is unable, or unwilling, to recognize the political realities of the present, and work with them and adapt them to his purpose.”
It is put out that the German nationalists are in fact – sectarian. They move in a limited world. They cannot get out of it and proclaim it ‘normal’, when it is the liberal world that is normal.
The Gramscian model would have us reject that. To contest hegemony, it is necessary to develop alternative ideology and alternative reality. It is necessary to create zones of power where the writ of the state does not run. (the autonomists would have to concede to our definitions).
So, if the German nationalists practice the principle that Nationalist Alternative was supposedly based upon – they live in a state of cognitive dissonance!?!?
So their still-failure to become a truly mass movement is the fault of the Germans’ psychology?
This attack was atrocious and inaccurate, as the strength of the German movement belies. It was part of the subtle ‘trick’ inherent in the article – to load failure (sic) onto the methods employed. The German nationalist movement is still in the margins, albeit with signs of real growth.
Talking Nationalism To Defeat Nationalism: BNP Opportunism In Practice
The BNP remains the model for the change. To build the new freedom populist movement consensus, the article admonishes us to accept that the BNP is really a nationalist organization, led by a super-smart nationalist called Nick Griffin. Griffin is contrasted with the (we say: foul) Christian Zionist from Holland, Geert Wilders (who is himself of Jewish origin), but is pushed forward as fruit of the same tree:
“Like Wilders, Nick Griffin frequently makes pro-Israel, and pro-Jewish, statements, and is always denouncing Nazis, i.e., any Westerner who criticises Jews and Israel). This has not stopped, however, the Jewish community from denouncing him as a Nazi and a fascist at every turn. They scent an imposture. Griffin is buying protection from the powerful Jewish lobby by making pro-Jewish statements. Unlike Wilders, he does not have a clean record on Jewish issues …..
Sadly, there are many nationalists, in Britain and outside Britain, who lack the subtlety to see this; that is, they do not understand Griffin’s strategy. They take it as face value, and allow themselves to be fooled, whereas the BNP’s enemies (in the British establishment) do not….”
No, no. Griffin makes the statements he does because he has changed position. That is the logical thing to say and to believe.
Perhaps he will become even more like Wilders and advocate war for Zionism? He has already condoned Zionist war in Gaza and his stooge Lee Barnes supported the Israeli terror war against Lebanon.
The reality is that more and more nationalists understand Griffin’s strategy only too well. That is why key leaders and others who are leaving the BNP are joining the National Front. That is why nationalists in other countries condemn the new line.
Explaining Why The Enemy Continue To Attack The BNP As ‘Nazi’ ‘Racist’ etc
As a proof that the revisionists / opportunists of the BNP are really an enemy of state power, it is said that the enemy forces continue to attack them. Yes, conceded, the enemy attacks the party in public.
The article, after viewing the ‘changes’ in BNP, asks:
“Does this mean then that the BNP which was founded as a neo-fascist party has gone liberal democratic? Has it gone over to the enemy? The answer is: no. The British establishment politicians, journalists, academics, intellectuals hate and fear the BNP. The BNP has not given up its racialist and nationalist views…… The enemies of the BNP understand that the use of Churchill imagery, the Zionism, the apparent support for Israel, is a clever trick it is camouflage designed to make the party appeal to British voters, to convey the image of respectability. In other words, the BNP is appropriating the rhetoric and symbolism of the liberal democratic parties.”
There could be another strategy in motion:
1. The BNP is attacked this way to maintain the liberal democratic mobilization against all forms of ‘racism’ and ‘fascism’ within Britain.
2. The BNP is attacked this way to cause it to be a ‘honey trap’ for people in Britain who wish to become nationalists.
3. The BNP is attacked this way to ensure that the leadership, playing the respectability” game, can be induced to further liberalise in the hope of really entering the mainstream.
4. The processes of liberalisation bring new members into the party who are, in fact, in various ways influenced by liberal democracy.
5. The party then has factions which have different views on the direction of the party and the party as a structure is neutralised.
Could this be the game?
Certainly, if we may give another example, we may refer to the history of Australian communism from the period after 1963-4. The Communist Party of Australia (CPA) remained in existence, but only as a party that stated its desire to “mainstream” itself (the CPA’s phrase!). As a communist phenomenon it was dead; as a force for social liberalisation, it was of assistance to the globalising (or to be more correct for that time: ‘internationalising’) liberal capitalist class. It set the agendas for the new feminist, homosexual, cultural-relativist and other movements, but it did not challenge state power; rather, it sought to ‘reform’ it. It allowed itself to be split, with the harder Marxists seceding, in order that it might better infiltrate mainstream parties and movements with its softer and more ‘mainstream’ elements (something that in our case, we don’t have time for). It watered down every aspect of its ideology and politics, so it presented a lily livered caricature of its former self. This strategy had been tried by others and finally, in 1990, they called it a day - and just dissolved themselves.
Attacks in state media upon anyone may or may not prove a case. It depends upon the facts at hand. The plausible agenda is the one given.
Sneaking Up On The Enemy
Ever since we nationalists entered the political arena as a definable trend in Australia, we were told that our strategy of constructing a nationalist party was wrong. Certain conservatives said that and others did too. Some said we should form lobbies and intellectual circles etc. or join the Liberal Party (!) We now see a new version of the story. It is put (via the foreign example) that nationalists should now liquidate their organizations and yield to some amorphous populist party. The article calls a hypothetical German version of this party - the Right Party (as a mirror of Germany’s Left Party).
This party can sneak up on the state power and win an election. The article tells us the sneaky populists can legislate away – the regime itself: It can change the German Constitution which operates to prevent the formation of a new regime:
“Eventually, die Rechte obtains the necessary two-thirds majority in the Bundestag and Bundesrat to amend the German constitution, with or without the support of the other political parties. It is then that the MPs quietly, and without any fanfare, vote to amend Article 21 of the German constitution..”
Our question is: why would the populists, these liberals who have joined the party, want to do that?
The article seems to be telling us that nationalists will operate as a faction inside this mass movement, but somehow they will be the ones pulling the strings.
The article also told us of the German Constitution:
“So, to summarize, the defining characteristics of the German constitution? A three-party dictatorship; Militant democracy, which uses police state measures to repress anti-democratic groups who are deemed Communist or Neo-Nazi. Aside from this, there are other characteristics, not specifically mentioned in the text of the constitution itself. These are the substantive values, to use Schmitt’s term, of the Bundesrepublik . The values are: Zionism and philo-Semitism; a strange doctrine of German post-war guilt, which harps on endlessly about German atrocities, real or alleged, in World War Two; and a callous dismissal of the atrocities wrought upon Germany by the victors – the deliberate mass starvation of millions of Germans in the Allied occupied zone, and in the German POW camps, in the three years after the German surrender; the ethnic cleansing and murder of millions of Germans from the East; the deaths of one to two million German POWs in the Soviet Union.”Again, if that is the German Constitution, and allowing that the German nationalists have played populist and liberal and recruited in droves such people who have no trouble with all that, why would these very same folks wish to subvert their very own order?
How could such a faction operate inside some liberal/populist party? How could it conceal itself? How much deep-entryism a la the 1940’s model of Trotskyism in the social-democratic movement, would the nationalists have to do? How ‘deep’ in do they have to go? Would the populists tolerate them lurking about, ready to stage their intra-party coup d’etat? Or would they just purge them long before?
These questions share answers and they cannot favour the model for success offered here.
Intervention Against The Revolution: Winning Again By Stealth
It is suggested by the article that the success of the German nationalists will not be received well in the New World Order camp. We concur. The article says:
“What will it look like once the nationalists take over? It will be almost identical to that of Germany in 1933. Militarily, at present, Germany, France and Britain are weak and unprepared for war; but the Jewish community, the international Left, and Washington and Tel Aviv will urge the liberal democratic governments of France and Britain to prepare for war against the nationalist German state, to restore democracy and teach the Germans another lesson. There will be a build-up of arms on all sides. Eventually, Britain, France and the other democracies will be militarily strong enough to attack…”
This scenario may or may not be a little fantastic and phrased here a little bit wildly, but we shall take it in one way as correct. Intervention against a nationalist state may be carried out in various ways and military threats would be likely. The article has also warned us:
“Germans do not want war, which is one of the reasons why they do not vote for German nationalists in large numbers – their current policies will entail another fratricidal war between European states their white populations, with Washington and Tel Aviv being the only beneficiaries.”
However, we are led to believe that by dropping these supposedly threatening policies and installing a liberal regime which looks benign means that the New World Order forces will not intervene.
Well, maybe they wouldn’t intervene because they are in fact – not threatened by such a possibility. After all, the Austrian Freedom Party (one faction of it at least) served in a coalition government with the Christian Democrats. There was no intervention. But then, there was no intervention because the Freedom ministers had sold out their principles long before.
The success of the German nationalists in the face of intervention would rest upon the connection their movement would have with nationalist movements in other lands - which could not only oppose war, but grow stronger in solidarity with a victorious example of nationalism and challenge their own governments with renewed vitality. Was that why the NPD worked so closely with the European National Front? Is that why nationalists build co-ordination structures and alliances with nationalist parties in other lands?
Neither Islam Nor Israel!
The German nationalists already oppose all elements of ‘Islamification’ in their country. That is a simple fact. The German nationalists oppose the entry of Turkey into the European Union, a proposition apparently supported by the German liberal regime (talk about contradictions!) The rub is that the German nationalists do not accept the line that Israel is any sort of friend in any struggle with Islamic countries or Islamic migration. We wonder if Israel opposes Turkey’s entry into the European Union?
In fact, the German nationalists seem to favour ‘Neither Islam, Nor Israel’.
So, again we witness the sleight of hand. The article talks of the populist parties and their pro Zionism:
“Their stance attempts to make the accusation of anti-Semitism a non-issue, effectively neutralising the damage it does to nationalism in those countries with populations taught from birth that certain ideas/events are absolute and never to be questioned.”
But anti Zionism is not anti semitism. The criticism of Israel is not related to any number of unusual theories about Jewish perfidy. No. Our criticism is politics and rational politics at that. Anti-semitism is just another red herring.
The obvious point is that the new line is one which seeks out Israel as the foreign policy option for the future and the Zionist lobby as the internal ally on the way to power. We say that this line is oblivious to other political options. Let us state one.
The German Left is generally anti Zionist. Hundreds of thousands of Germans have opposed the military adventures of Europe in Iraq and Germany in Afghanistan. There is a hard anti imperialist and anti capitalist Left. Why should the so-called ‘Right’ have to content itself with people upset by Islam? Much of the German Left is also secular and hardly likely to embrace a creeping fundamentalism on German soil – and these people really are the heirs to the former German socialist traditions. The NPD has attempted to court these Germans. One cannot say that they have yet been successful in leaping other hurdles in order to win over the Left’s audience; but that does not validate what is simply held out as a ‘line of least resistance’. Winning over the Left’s base offers an entirely different option.
In East Germany, the NPD (and the DVU) have managed to tap into the working class consciousness. The NPD has been known to compete in strong terms in some areas with both the former Party of Democratic Socialism and now the Left party.
The line of ‘Neither Islam, Nor Israel’ offers the way forward. It is understandable by the masses. It can be marketed and sold and it is being marketed and sold. One can only wonder at the motives of the dark forces who would now change it? Is it simply that the real organ-grinders of the new line simply wish to demobilize one threat and win its followers over to the cause of supporting Israel and Zionism by offering them up some delusion that they can become big men?
The NPD Should Be Emulated By The BNP: Not The Other Way Around
What is truly odd about this entire critique of German nationalism by the offending article is that it does not recognise the concrete fact: the NPD has deeper roots in German soil than the BNP has in Britain. Organizationally, the NPD is a superior structure, despite some current financial difficulties. And, as matters stand, it may fuse with a sizeable section of the crumbling DVU, which would give it more members than the BNP. If we count its youth organization as part of the membership, it may already be as large as the BNP. It has seats in two German State parliaments and strong municipal representation.
One media report said recently:
“…. that rightwing organizations, such as the National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD), are increasingly targeting the younger generation. According to a recent opinion poll, 4.9 percent of all 15-year old boys and 2.6 percent of all girls of that age are already involved with a far-right group.”
The NPD has mobilised in increasing numbers, German youth in the Young National Democrats and affiliated structures.
It was also said:
"The NPD is seen as a revolutionary protest party, which offers activities that are hugely attractive for young people."
Is this what the populists are supposed to be doing too, albeit in some way or other?
Within the past seven years the NPD has increased the number of seats it holds on German municipal councils from a few dozen to more than 300 now. The NPD holds more council seats than the BNP.
Perhaps it should be the BNP which copies the NPD?
Recently, a new anti Islamic party was mooted in Germany, something to be financed by a Swedish millionaire who mouthed the same platitudes as the article under review. He obviously disliked the NPD and went on about “the Nazi stuff”. What Nazi stuff? The new “populist” party was to be modelled the Dutch and Danish examples and would block the NPD’s passage into the Federal parliament.
The skin crawls that this wrecking operation is the sort of thing that any nationalist organization would even wish to have a debate about.
The fact is that a real number was done on the NPD in the period from 1983-95. This was the time of the Republikaner, a party with a populist type agenda, which competed directly with the German nationalists on the basis of its so-called moderation. The Republikaner may even go over to the new anti Islamist party. It is commonly agreed that the Republikaner were a set-up by the Christian-Social party in Bavaria. The party even chose as leader a former member of the SS to court a little scandal, whilst pushing ‘moderation’. Eventually, this man saw through the entire game – and defected to the NPD!
So the NPD has been aware of ‘the game’. It has also in the last year or so, moved to limit the impact of the faked up anti Islamist groups by directly competing with them on public concerns over Islamism on German soil, whilst still maintaining their correct overall position.
The NPD’s three tier strategy, its cadre training, its strict adherence to nationalist ideology, its courage under fire, its political strategy of building local bases of people’s power – all this shows health in the party.
And the NPD, like the freedom populists, has allies across Europe. The Australian nationalists would do better to consider them friends than the gaggle of opportunists promising a treat on the basis of clever tricks.
Conclusion: Uphold Nationalist Principles!
It is inevitable that nationalist principles come under attack. Liberal democratic capitalist states attack and seek to demobilize their challengers.
In this case, a populist temptation has come before our friends in Nationalist Alternative. If Nationalist Alternative seeks to uphold nationalism, then it must fight against the Zionization of the nationalist movement, against false populism, against the cult of the BNP which has been introduced into Australia by the opportunists.
At the moment, the opportunist current seems strong in some countries. But it is weak in others. Yet, even in Britain, the revived National Front is taking forward the battle to the BNP, the poster-boy of the fake populism. The battle will be fought out everywhere.
Australia First says plainly that there is no way forward other than to apply more adroitly than ever our nationalist ideals. There is no treat as a reward for capitulation to the enemy; there is no trick that can build a true movement of identity, independence and freedom, of Australian nationalism.
We do not accept that the article was really about the German movement. It reminds us a little of the Russo-Chinese dispute over the sanctity (sic) of communism. When the Russians denounced the Albanians and the Chinese lambasted the Yugoslavs, each was criticizing the other. We cannot escape the idea that this article was a new phase of the Australian war in which Nationalist Alternative expressed some doubts over general line.
We do not have free debate inside a nationalist party over our very reason for being. That is suicide. We are here to wage a struggle and to do it well. Our real criticism is that Nationalist Alternative chose to have a debate with itself.
Debate over!
End note: Three tiers method: integrates: electoral work at all levels, particularly local level ; community action (demonstrations, meetings, leaflet drives, petitions, action in schools, universities, unions and other associations and campaigns that incite community attention, that extends the impact of the organization and the psychological reach of its propaganda ; ideological and cultural work (forums and other events and publications that improve the ideological expression of the movement and campaigns, publications and other work tailored to the idea of the cultural defense of the national identity.
The three tiers method holds that a nationalist party cannot practice less than all three methods in tandem.
1. The three tiers of struggle – should identify what they are at the beginning, as they are referred to in the first part of the text.
2. The red herring of Nazism – the fact is.. a true German nationalist cannot but by nature agree with and want to implement many of the same policies the National Socialists had in place. As they were good for the German Volk. You can call your new movement/party anything you want.. but when asked a few key questions on the position of certain issues – the similarities to the ones the National Socialists had would be identical – therefore any party will be call Nazi. Your enemies are not going to stop using the term.
I find the articles reference to yearning for the good old days of the 50’s and 60’s and under communism an insult to what the German people suffered during those times. They yearn for the elements in society that kept away the jewish filth and westernisation of their societies, but a true nationalist government would do that anyway. They do not yearn for what they suffered under communism.
Becoming a lukewarm mainstream party dilutes your message – who are you trying to attract? The same lukewarm people who are not interested in changing the direction of our current society, or who only don’t like bits of it? They will only be attracted to the lukewarm message in your new party – and will fiercely resist the core nationalist components that you are trying to “hide” - therefore making a completely ineffective party.
Is the article summing up however our journey to how the communists got us to where we are today? Loved the anecdote about the communist party, and what we spoke about – how those people are now in the mainstream parties and have fashioned them to where they want, becoming more radical over time. Can this strategy really work with nationalists policies – they are so opposite to what is currently in place. This change also took place over 30 years or so – do we have that time.
If we stick to our core values – when the time is right and the mood in society is ready – they will come to us, as we will represent the only true alternative option. Not a watered down version that’s a bit different to the current status quo. We must stick to our core values – true nationalists cannot pretend to be what they are not.

Now, as a German, my criticism regarding the original article and the reply is that the neither of them actually quantify what the so-called ‘Nazis’ in today’s modern German nationalists movements are.
It is rather easy, and lets be honest a desired effect by the system, to label a group or people with a word that is designed to evoke fear and hatred within the general political uneducated population. However, for people and groups that claim to be politically on the nationalistic side (what ever that means) and without hesitation use the same language and phrases as the totalitarian Antifa and the liberal democratic media, one has to wonder where they are coming from.
The words ‘Nazi’, Racist’, ect are just ….. words. Their intentions is, by the system, to label people and groups as undesirables, white trash, etc. and generally stop the ‘democratic’ community listening what ‘these undesirables’ have to say, kind of a ‘liberal democratic apartheid’.
I really don’t want to comment too much on both articles. I don’t believe that the suggestions and methods proposed by the article posted by the Nationalist Alternative are a solution to the problem that exists in the so called ‘nationalistic’ parties in Europe. Let’s be honest, most political nationalistic parties are only interested in political power and will bend whatever way it takes so they will get elected. Just look at the BNP in England, and what have they achieved since they are in the EU parliament?
You might knock the NPD as much as they want, but they are one of the longest surviving nationalistic parties in Europe. And if they have ‘Nazis’ in their midst, so who really cares? ‘Nazis’ are human beings too and part of our society; they have their believes, they work, pay taxes and drink tea. Some of them are even vegetarians and do not like German folk music.
As long as political groups and parties exclude people, because of whatever they are labeled to be, from the political processes of a society, the system nothing but a totalitarian entity – whatever they call themselves. As long as labels are more important in today’s political environment then discussing political and social issues without any prejudice, we are failed to go down the path that the system sets for us.
And if one thinks that today’s western liberal democracy is a fair and honest form of government, that is like claiming the catholic church a revolutionary anti-dogmatic society. But then some people are feeling rather warm and cozy in a dogmatic nightmare of self destruction……
Welf Herfurth
No Tricking, No Treating: The ‘Populist Temptation’ And Nationalist Alternative.
This article has been composed by three nationalists, all members of Australia First.
Nationalist Alternative has published an important article. Entitled “Breaking The Bundesrepublik: The BNP, Populism And The Denazification Strategy”, it purports to be a piece commissioned by a member of the British National Party (BNP) for circulation in the German nationalist movement. The stated aim of the article is to encourage a debate that may cause the German movement to adopt a new ‘populist’ strategy based on the experience of the BNP. It was a rather bold proposition that the National Democratic Party (NPD) and let us not also forget too, the German People’s Union (DVU) - might change line.
The article has another significance. Of itself, it is the quintessential statement of a position that has emerged within the broad nationalist community over the last half-decade in Australia.
It is the line that encourages nationalists to adopt key elements of liberal-democratic ideology and politics, to abandon ideology and politics traditionally associated with nationalism and to take a line of least resistance towards the achievement of ‘power’. This line entails the adoption of a number of inter-related things: anti Islamism and a pro Zionist foreign policy as mobilizing and normalizing tools; a mainstreaming plan (that causes the party to purge people or ideas as might ‘jar’ with the mainstream mass); a ‘populism’ that pits common folk against the elite, but which does not challenge the state power; an electoralist method with a pseudo charismatic ‘leader’ who seeks power inside a new consensus of civic patriotism; an acceptance of the liberal democratic order in the realm of business organization and moral principles (ie. it accepts the fundamentals of capitalism and the personalist lifestyle-ism of our society ).
Nationalists have said that this line revises nationalist ideology. It must therefore kill off our politics, since essentially we are expected to merge the forces of nationalism into a new popular ‘freedom’ movement which will trick the enemy inside the fortress of state power into ceding us the governmental power - because we have received enough votes and do not challenge core liberal state ideals.
We have used elsewhere terms like ideological revisionism and political opportunism to characterize this new ‘movement’ of thought and action.
Nationalist Alternative gives a disclaimer. It says that some of this ‘line’ may not apply to Australia, where Asianisation not Islamification (as per Europe) is the main danger to European culture etc. It warns (correctly) that some groups which have adopted a pro Israel line seem to end up as “civic patriots” who cannot oppose the multiracialisation of our Euro-societies. WE wonder why? It also hypothesizes that the Zionist apparatus is not happy with nationalism generally – and they are right.
But they say they are “contributing to Australian nationalist thought and free speech” by publishing the article.
Australia First does not accept that is the effect of the article, nor can we accept that our comrades are naïve. Certainly it makes it look, disclaimer or no disclaimer, that Nationalist Alternative is willing to entertain this line.
For our part, we say that one does not engage in free speech with those inside the broad Australian movement who have operated diligently for perhaps 5 years now (maybe longer?) - to first silently and then openly and rancorously, overturn nationalist principles. To give them air, to not repudiate them openly, is to spread their poison. This also threatens Nationalist Alternative.
In Nationalist Alternative’s case, we note that the organization contains genuine persons who have conducted proper and very useful campaigns – on overseas students, internet freedom and so on. However, it is equally true that Nationalist Alternative finds itself in the awkward spot of endorsing Nationalist Autonomism, a position that places it in the vortex of community action politics and ideological-cultural politics, without it practicing the third part of the three tier method – the electoral and open mass politics. (End Note: see definition of ‘three tier method) It is in one sense, in the shadows, which can be a strength for a direct action group. The autonomist movement has considerable freedom of action, precisely because it operates only one or two of the ‘tiers’ of struggle.
As is the case in most of the European countries, this very significant and politically useful dynamic movement (which Nationalist Alternative clearly wishes to emulate), usually lines up in one way or another with one of the nationalist parties – National Democrats, Social Movement, National Front, Golden Dawn etc., which practice the three tiers method. The existence of autonomist groups outside of the parties often sharpens them and can help define them. The autonomist group then positions itself in a broad front, such that all may move forward in tandem, but all sides maintaining their organizational independence.
Unfortunately, in the Australian case, this whole notion is problematical. It is well known that the Australian nationalist movement suffered a particular ‘split’ in 2006-7. The revisionists and opportunists broke away from nationalism. They set out to take over the former Australia First Party (AFP) and when that failed, they endeavoured to split it, disintegrate it and then after severe damage was done, they constituted their own organization. This became the Australian Protectionist Party (APP) and it declared itself in solidarity with the BNP and its line. Genuine nationalists were ultimately forced to reconstitute Australia First in a new form. They placed Nationalist ideology in command of the party and have rebuilt and expanded it. They repudiated the opportunist position openly.
Nationalist Alternative’s choices for political-party alliances (if they consider they are ‘obliged’ to make them by the general dictates of the autonomist strategy) come down to building arrangements with either AFP or APP. Hence it is necessary for Nationalist Alternative to examine its trajectory.
From the position of Australia First, there is not the slightest intention of using such an in-tandem-alliance (if it were ultimately constituted) to acquire organizational leverage over the NA comrades. Quite the contrary. That could hardly serve our advance in a united front, or represent the three tiers method in motion. We cannot speak for APP, whose mercurial qualities we have long observed and hence we would expect only chicanery on their part. Backstabbers and plotters seldom change their colours and it is well known they conceive Nationalist Alternative as a useful conduit, whereby they can talk nationalism when it suits them - and practice opportunist politics the remainder of the time.
Some people may say that the article was indicative of a foot in both camps. We do not say that to be unnecessarily disrespectful. That is the intelligence we have picked up. The opportunists are ‘nice people’ who have attempted to cultivate contacts with various groups including Nationalist Alternative and the fair-minded tone of Nationalist Alternative is such that a ruthless break with their falsity could be difficult to perform.
For our part, we will critique this piece. In doing so, we trust it will become simpler for Nationalist Alternative to repudiate the false ideology and practice of the Australian traitors to nationalism and uphold their own integrity and the quality of their commitment.
We shall not deal with every part of the article, only those bits that have relevance to our case.
The Red Herring Of Nazism
The author says at different points:
“Here I shall be advocating a broad range of strategies denazification, radical right-wing populism, an acceptance of liberal democracy, the use of certain safe national symbols, a new nationalism, which are used, with great success, by the British National Party”.
The line of the “…. BNP (and the Danish Peoples Party, the Swiss People’s Party, the Dutch Freedom Party and other radical right-wing populist European parties of that type) will work in the circumstances of Germany today.”
The author correctly equates the BNP with these other parties. They are certainly not nationalist parties as he seems to agree and the open honesty is refreshing. That is an important concession.
It is not a question of whether a line will apparently work. It is a question of who follows the line and what they want from it. Are the leaders of these forces – and much of their clientele – people who advance a nationalist agenda? Why should leadership be surrendered to them? Simply because it seems they can amass a larger political audience? And what is the quality of this audience?
Significantly, the author gives the red herring of Nazism as the reason to pass them the leadership.
It is put that the modern German nationalist movement is, in open and other ways, tainted by Nazism. This ‘Nazism’ is defined very broadly – as certain symbols (and not swastikas either) which are employed in demonstrations, as arguments about the legitimacy of the German State deriving as it did from the partition and occupation of the country in 1945, as opposition to Israeli state policies and Zionism , as the public image of intolerance of immigrants. It is put that these are the things that drive the public away, the very things the successful BNP has ‘repudiated’, the things the German movement must dump. The movement does not wish to be seen as “Nazi”, so it must change.
But are the things under examination indicative of Nazism? We do not accept that as we shall explain
Rather, it seems that a strawman-Nazism has been built and it is sought to knock it down. The trouble is that the edifice falls with it.
What Replaces The ‘Nazism’?
The author writes:
“This article proposes a new German nationalism. The elements of this nationalism are: populism; anti-Islamism and an attack on the Left for letting immigration and totalitarian Islam get out of hand; nostalgia for the good old days of culture, morals and fashions of the 1950s and 1960s, and the German economic miracle; a championing of such past German liberal democratic figures as Stresemann, Adenauer and the men of the Reichsbanner Schwarze-Rot-Geld; and definitely no references, especially visual references, to the Third Reich and German National Socialism.”
Again, the false references to Nazism.
The strawman-demon of Nazism is replaced in this new system of thought with the ideology of German subservience to the politics of post 1945 consumer capitalism and the imperialism of the Washington regime (which was first predicated upon the existence of the then Soviet imperialism – as it offered ‘protection’).
Certainly, on one level, the morals and norms of 1950’s and 1960’s Germany may have been straighter and cleaner than those of the present. But were they ideal? Were they ideal, even if some people imagine they were? It is one thing to refer to a cleaner country. It is another to say that the country and its culture and morals, based as they were upon suburban capitalist disinterest in politics etc, upon the consumer world view, were good.
Now it is a fact that the German regime relies upon the images of fascism and the defeat of fascism, to prove its moral power and value. But who said that the rehabilitation of fascism is a project which should be undertaken and further, actually is one which undermines that order? Even if the rehabilitation of fascism was the goal of the German nationalists, could they calculate upon it having that result? It is rather the delegitimisation of the order that relies upon its construction of fascism, which is the point of the German nationalists. The German nationalists look at how the regime’s immorality and illegitimacy rests upon a tendentious ‘virtue’. The German nationalists and major intellectuals, such as Horst Mahler and the New Right Thule group, have relativised the sins of fascism against the sins of the New World Order imperialism and its earlier manifestation in American imperialism. They have attacked the liberal-democratic ‘myth’ that it was fascism and then Marxism which were of themselves so evil – that they justify the creation of a global system of pure evil. If there are any forces in Germany today which seek to play at fascism, which seek to rehabilitate it per se, they are not the main blocs of German nationalism.
The article agrees that the German state was also imposed by terror over its citizens. To develop an amnesia over a fact is to concede to the historical validity of the state. Indeed, this is what the article precisely suggests should be done. In our view, this is defeat before the fight is fought. If the state is legitimate, it cannot be fought.
Every ‘revolutionary’ system of thought must delegitimize its opponent. Could the (obnoxious) IRA have gone to war (sic) if it failed to accept its Army Council was nothing other than the legitimate government of Ireland? Was it not the logic of the American Declaration of Independence that Britain’s right to govern their colonies had been abrogated by its policies? The German nationalists have a hard task, something of which is (admittedly) a product of hysterical history – of liberal mythmaking. Do they throw away a crucial weapon – their theory of the illegitimacy of the German state?
Buying The Historical Basis Of The Regime
The acceptance of the legitimacy of the German state runs all through the article.
Once accepted, the argument is then put that the Eastern strategy of the NPD and other nationalists (which has seen nationalism take root in the former East German areas) should be repudiated. It is precisely here that German nationalism has achieved the greatest success, winning seats in State parliaments, council seats and in establishing wide social-cultural networks. It might be held that this success was due to two things: a recognition of the poverty of Marxist-Leninist ideology to represent working class interests, but an appreciation of its paradox – that it was East Germany that was more ‘German’ than the Americanised ‘West”.
The article says:
“Nationalism has to have, of course, a positive component. What should that component be in German nationalism? The answer is: nostalgia for the good old days of the West German Bundesrepublik an equivalent of the nostalgia, called Ost Nostalgie, or Ostalgie”
Once the Eastern strategy is decried, we read:
“Imagine the tremendous shock it would cause if German nationalists were to declare that liberal democratic bores of Germany’s past, such as Konrad Adenauer and Gustav Stresemann, were the true embodiments of the modern German nationalist ideal. Adenauer’s Germany had no Muslims! Neither did Stresemann’s… That’s what we nationalists want. The liberal democratic Weimar paramilitary, the Reichsbanner Schwartz-Rot-Gold , could be rehabilitated: not brought back to life, of course (that would be illegal), but held up as heroes, brave fighters for liberal democracy who took their fight to the streets.”
The liberal democrats (even in the days of the Weimar Republic) may have been “bores”, but they were creatures who understood nothing of German nationalism. To say that they did, would be to reconstruct historical fact in a manner even Stalin could not have achieved. The liberal ideology leads to the acceptance of the European Union and the Atlanticist direction of that Union – it does not lead to any defence of German identity. It cannot do so. The liberals’ definition of German identity may be a winning football team or a ‘Made in Germany’ sticker on a product. None of that impels a deep defence of Gemanism.
The trick? There were no Moslems in these liberal utopias of yesteryear and liberals will see that and wish to ‘return’ to their golden age. Big deal! Yet, we recall it was these very liberals in the “good old days” who brought in the Turkish guest workers and who opened Germany to Third World immigration of all sorts, directly to sustain the so-called economic miracle! If forty years later, the system bites the good liberal German bourgeois on his arse – it hardly commends praising the regime. These bourgeois may decide to rebel (a factor that must be taken into account), but they only seek a return to the status quo ante. They certainly seek no radical project for the remaking of Germany. Yet, the article assures us the liberals are being tricked to move in this supposedly worthy direction.
Can this proposed new line get any worse?
And Now, The Garbage Society Is Good!
Unfortunately, yes it does get worse! The article says:
“Many Far Right populist groups attack Islamic immigration, not on racial grounds (although, of course, they in reality oppose Islamic immigration on racial and cultural grounds), but on the basis that Muslims do not respect Western liberal values, the values of a free society. They thereby manage to borrow the language of Western liberalism and use it against the Western liberal democratic politicians who have brought millions of Muslims into Europe..”
Yes, but do these populists (sic) really oppose Islamic immigration on any sort of ethnic preference grounds? Have you deceived yourself? And then:
“A populist agitator could easily stir up the passions of the German people by painting a picture of a future Germany where nudism and scanty dress are banned, and beer houses are shut down.”
Yes, yes. It is necessary to divide one’s enemies. If a feminist abortionist dislikes Moslems, well and good, but we may have reservations about her own peculiar ethos. We can understand why nudists might object to them, even if we do not embrace (sic) nudism. The homosexual lobby may have objections too against public lewdness being targeted by fundamentalist moralists. Let alone most folks who enjoy some alcohol in their lives who would find the Koran’s ethos difficult in the extreme. And of course, the subtle and sometimes sexual way European women dress (which does follow to some extent at least in the Indo European tradition) could not please a devout Moslem, given he publicly wraps his partner in a sheet. If Australia’s case is any sad example of such Muslim modesty – it only encouraged violent rapes.
However, defending Western liberal values has a real down-side. Certainly, we may be able to take occasional advantage of liberal discontent with the practises of an alien group. We could write a book about the tactics involved in mobilizing liberals, but we prefer to paste in a few lines from elsewhere:
“Imagine you want to get elected MP for East Sydney. You know it’s full of gays and lesbians, so a nationalist party is just not electable. So you let it be known that Islamics don’t favour butt-pumping and lesbian tongue-ins. You say that it was Aussie soldiers fought for liberal freedom to live as you choose. You have a wife and kids, but you let yourself be photographed cuddling a leather man in solidarity against unfair targeting by Mid-East crime gangs.. You send your kids to a lesbian run day care centre so they can learn about two-mummy families and test tube gay babies. So you are using the enemy’s weapons against him. You let it be known you will legislate for Gay and Lesbian Marriage and civil rights because it’s clever, builds a new base and keeps the mad mullahs out. Parts of Oxford Street sign up into the new party. You get elected. Who are you elected for? What can you do? And when you tear off the smiling mask and say “I was a nationalist all the way along. Ha ha. Trick on you.” – how far can you really run?
We stand on that. In other words, the ‘populist technique’ has serious limitations. It could only create a party of contradictions.
A Psychological Trick: It’s All Your Fault
The attack made upon the German nationalists extends to their psychological makeup:
“All of this is obvious, but the German nationalist lives in a world of cognitive dissonance, i.e., an unwillingness to see the facts as they are). Most of the problem lies in the fact that the German nationalist today is unable, or unwilling, to recognize the political realities of the present, and work with them and adapt them to his purpose.”
It is put out that the German nationalists are in fact – sectarian. They move in a limited world. They cannot get out of it and proclaim it ‘normal’, when it is the liberal world that is normal.
The Gramscian model would have us reject that. To contest hegemony, it is necessary to develop alternative ideology and alternative reality. It is necessary to create zones of power where the writ of the state does not run. (the autonomists would have to concede to our definitions).
So, if the German nationalists practice the principle that Nationalist Alternative was supposedly based upon – they live in a state of cognitive dissonance!?!?
So their still-failure to become a truly mass movement is the fault of the Germans’ psychology?
This attack was atrocious and inaccurate, as the strength of the German movement belies. It was part of the subtle ‘trick’ inherent in the article – to load failure (sic) onto the methods employed. The German nationalist movement is still in the margins, albeit with signs of real growth.
Talking Nationalism To Defeat Nationalism: BNP Opportunism In Practice
The BNP remains the model for the change. To build the new freedom populist movement consensus, the article admonishes us to accept that the BNP is really a nationalist organization, led by a super-smart nationalist called Nick Griffin. Griffin is contrasted with the (we say: foul) Christian Zionist from Holland, Geert Wilders (who is himself of Jewish origin), but is pushed forward as fruit of the same tree:
“Like Wilders, Nick Griffin frequently makes pro-Israel, and pro-Jewish, statements, and is always denouncing Nazis, i.e., any Westerner who criticises Jews and Israel). This has not stopped, however, the Jewish community from denouncing him as a Nazi and a fascist at every turn. They scent an imposture. Griffin is buying protection from the powerful Jewish lobby by making pro-Jewish statements. Unlike Wilders, he does not have a clean record on Jewish issues …..
Sadly, there are many nationalists, in Britain and outside Britain, who lack the subtlety to see this; that is, they do not understand Griffin’s strategy. They take it as face value, and allow themselves to be fooled, whereas the BNP’s enemies (in the British establishment) do not….”
No, no. Griffin makes the statements he does because he has changed position. That is the logical thing to say and to believe.
Perhaps he will become even more like Wilders and advocate war for Zionism? He has already condoned Zionist war in Gaza and his stooge Lee Barnes supported the Israeli terror war against Lebanon.
The reality is that more and more nationalists understand Griffin’s strategy only too well. That is why key leaders and others who are leaving the BNP are joining the National Front. That is why nationalists in other countries condemn the new line.
Explaining Why The Enemy Continue To Attack The BNP As ‘Nazi’ ‘Racist’ etc
As a proof that the revisionists / opportunists of the BNP are really an enemy of state power, it is said that the enemy forces continue to attack them. Yes, conceded, the enemy attacks the party in public.
The article, after viewing the ‘changes’ in BNP, asks:
“Does this mean then that the BNP which was founded as a neo-fascist party has gone liberal democratic? Has it gone over to the enemy? The answer is: no. The British establishment politicians, journalists, academics, intellectuals hate and fear the BNP. The BNP has not given up its racialist and nationalist views…… The enemies of the BNP understand that the use of Churchill imagery, the Zionism, the apparent support for Israel, is a clever trick it is camouflage designed to make the party appeal to British voters, to convey the image of respectability. In other words, the BNP is appropriating the rhetoric and symbolism of the liberal democratic parties.”
There could be another strategy in motion:
1. The BNP is attacked this way to maintain the liberal democratic mobilization against all forms of ‘racism’ and ‘fascism’ within Britain.
2. The BNP is attacked this way to cause it to be a ‘honey trap’ for people in Britain who wish to become nationalists.
3. The BNP is attacked this way to ensure that the leadership, playing the respectability” game, can be induced to further liberalise in the hope of really entering the mainstream.
4. The processes of liberalisation bring new members into the party who are, in fact, in various ways influenced by liberal democracy.
5. The party then has factions which have different views on the direction of the party and the party as a structure is neutralised.
Could this be the game?
Certainly, if we may give another example, we may refer to the history of Australian communism from the period after 1963-4. The Communist Party of Australia (CPA) remained in existence, but only as a party that stated its desire to “mainstream” itself (the CPA’s phrase!). As a communist phenomenon it was dead; as a force for social liberalisation, it was of assistance to the globalising (or to be more correct for that time: ‘internationalising’) liberal capitalist class. It set the agendas for the new feminist, homosexual, cultural-relativist and other movements, but it did not challenge state power; rather, it sought to ‘reform’ it. It allowed itself to be split, with the harder Marxists seceding, in order that it might better infiltrate mainstream parties and movements with its softer and more ‘mainstream’ elements (something that in our case, we don’t have time for). It watered down every aspect of its ideology and politics, so it presented a lily livered caricature of its former self. This strategy had been tried by others and finally, in 1990, they called it a day - and just dissolved themselves.
Attacks in state media upon anyone may or may not prove a case. It depends upon the facts at hand. The plausible agenda is the one given.
Sneaking Up On The Enemy
Ever since we nationalists entered the political arena as a definable trend in Australia, we were told that our strategy of constructing a nationalist party was wrong. Certain conservatives said that and others did too. Some said we should form lobbies and intellectual circles etc. or join the Liberal Party (!) We now see a new version of the story. It is put (via the foreign example) that nationalists should now liquidate their organizations and yield to some amorphous populist party. The article calls a hypothetical German version of this party - the Right Party (as a mirror of Germany’s Left Party).
This party can sneak up on the state power and win an election. The article tells us the sneaky populists can legislate away – the regime itself: It can change the German Constitution which operates to prevent the formation of a new regime:
“Eventually, die Rechte obtains the necessary two-thirds majority in the Bundestag and Bundesrat to amend the German constitution, with or without the support of the other political parties. It is then that the MPs quietly, and without any fanfare, vote to amend Article 21 of the German constitution..”
Our question is: why would the populists, these liberals who have joined the party, want to do that?
The article seems to be telling us that nationalists will operate as a faction inside this mass movement, but somehow they will be the ones pulling the strings.
The article also told us of the German Constitution:
“So, to summarize, the defining characteristics of the German constitution? A three-party dictatorship; Militant democracy, which uses police state measures to repress anti-democratic groups who are deemed Communist or Neo-Nazi. Aside from this, there are other characteristics, not specifically mentioned in the text of the constitution itself. These are the substantive values, to use Schmitt’s term, of the Bundesrepublik . The values are: Zionism and philo-Semitism; a strange doctrine of German post-war guilt, which harps on endlessly about German atrocities, real or alleged, in World War Two; and a callous dismissal of the atrocities wrought upon Germany by the victors – the deliberate mass starvation of millions of Germans in the Allied occupied zone, and in the German POW camps, in the three years after the German surrender; the ethnic cleansing and murder of millions of Germans from the East; the deaths of one to two million German POWs in the Soviet Union.”Again, if that is the German Constitution, and allowing that the German nationalists have played populist and liberal and recruited in droves such people who have no trouble with all that, why would these very same folks wish to subvert their very own order?
How could such a faction operate inside some liberal/populist party? How could it conceal itself? How much deep-entryism a la the 1940’s model of Trotskyism in the social-democratic movement, would the nationalists have to do? How ‘deep’ in do they have to go? Would the populists tolerate them lurking about, ready to stage their intra-party coup d’etat? Or would they just purge them long before?
These questions share answers and they cannot favour the model for success offered here.
Intervention Against The Revolution: Winning Again By Stealth
It is suggested by the article that the success of the German nationalists will not be received well in the New World Order camp. We concur. The article says:
“What will it look like once the nationalists take over? It will be almost identical to that of Germany in 1933. Militarily, at present, Germany, France and Britain are weak and unprepared for war; but the Jewish community, the international Left, and Washington and Tel Aviv will urge the liberal democratic governments of France and Britain to prepare for war against the nationalist German state, to restore democracy and teach the Germans another lesson. There will be a build-up of arms on all sides. Eventually, Britain, France and the other democracies will be militarily strong enough to attack…”
This scenario may or may not be a little fantastic and phrased here a little bit wildly, but we shall take it in one way as correct. Intervention against a nationalist state may be carried out in various ways and military threats would be likely. The article has also warned us:
“Germans do not want war, which is one of the reasons why they do not vote for German nationalists in large numbers – their current policies will entail another fratricidal war between European states their white populations, with Washington and Tel Aviv being the only beneficiaries.”
However, we are led to believe that by dropping these supposedly threatening policies and installing a liberal regime which looks benign means that the New World Order forces will not intervene.
Well, maybe they wouldn’t intervene because they are in fact – not threatened by such a possibility. After all, the Austrian Freedom Party (one faction of it at least) served in a coalition government with the Christian Democrats. There was no intervention. But then, there was no intervention because the Freedom ministers had sold out their principles long before.
The success of the German nationalists in the face of intervention would rest upon the connection their movement would have with nationalist movements in other lands - which could not only oppose war, but grow stronger in solidarity with a victorious example of nationalism and challenge their own governments with renewed vitality. Was that why the NPD worked so closely with the European National Front? Is that why nationalists build co-ordination structures and alliances with nationalist parties in other lands?
Neither Islam Nor Israel!
The German nationalists already oppose all elements of ‘Islamification’ in their country. That is a simple fact. The German nationalists oppose the entry of Turkey into the European Union, a proposition apparently supported by the German liberal regime (talk about contradictions!) The rub is that the German nationalists do not accept the line that Israel is any sort of friend in any struggle with Islamic countries or Islamic migration. We wonder if Israel opposes Turkey’s entry into the European Union?
In fact, the German nationalists seem to favour ‘Neither Islam, Nor Israel’.
So, again we witness the sleight of hand. The article talks of the populist parties and their pro Zionism:
“Their stance attempts to make the accusation of anti-Semitism a non-issue, effectively neutralising the damage it does to nationalism in those countries with populations taught from birth that certain ideas/events are absolute and never to be questioned.”
But anti Zionism is not anti semitism. The criticism of Israel is not related to any number of unusual theories about Jewish perfidy. No. Our criticism is politics and rational politics at that. Anti-semitism is just another red herring.
The obvious point is that the new line is one which seeks out Israel as the foreign policy option for the future and the Zionist lobby as the internal ally on the way to power. We say that this line is oblivious to other political options. Let us state one.
The German Left is generally anti Zionist. Hundreds of thousands of Germans have opposed the military adventures of Europe in Iraq and Germany in Afghanistan. There is a hard anti imperialist and anti capitalist Left. Why should the so-called ‘Right’ have to content itself with people upset by Islam? Much of the German Left is also secular and hardly likely to embrace a creeping fundamentalism on German soil – and these people really are the heirs to the former German socialist traditions. The NPD has attempted to court these Germans. One cannot say that they have yet been successful in leaping other hurdles in order to win over the Left’s audience; but that does not validate what is simply held out as a ‘line of least resistance’. Winning over the Left’s base offers an entirely different option.
In East Germany, the NPD (and the DVU) have managed to tap into the working class consciousness. The NPD has been known to compete in strong terms in some areas with both the former Party of Democratic Socialism and now the Left party.
The line of ‘Neither Islam, Nor Israel’ offers the way forward. It is understandable by the masses. It can be marketed and sold and it is being marketed and sold. One can only wonder at the motives of the dark forces who would now change it? Is it simply that the real organ-grinders of the new line simply wish to demobilize one threat and win its followers over to the cause of supporting Israel and Zionism by offering them up some delusion that they can become big men?
The NPD Should Be Emulated By The BNP: Not The Other Way Around
What is truly odd about this entire critique of German nationalism by the offending article is that it does not recognise the concrete fact: the NPD has deeper roots in German soil than the BNP has in Britain. Organizationally, the NPD is a superior structure, despite some current financial difficulties. And, as matters stand, it may fuse with a sizeable section of the crumbling DVU, which would give it more members than the BNP. If we count its youth organization as part of the membership, it may already be as large as the BNP. It has seats in two German State parliaments and strong municipal representation.
One media report said recently:
“…. that rightwing organizations, such as the National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD), are increasingly targeting the younger generation. According to a recent opinion poll, 4.9 percent of all 15-year old boys and 2.6 percent of all girls of that age are already involved with a far-right group.”
The NPD has mobilised in increasing numbers, German youth in the Young National Democrats and affiliated structures.
It was also said:
"The NPD is seen as a revolutionary protest party, which offers activities that are hugely attractive for young people."
Is this what the populists are supposed to be doing too, albeit in some way or other?
Within the past seven years the NPD has increased the number of seats it holds on German municipal councils from a few dozen to more than 300 now. The NPD holds more council seats than the BNP.
Perhaps it should be the BNP which copies the NPD?
Recently, a new anti Islamic party was mooted in Germany, something to be financed by a Swedish millionaire who mouthed the same platitudes as the article under review. He obviously disliked the NPD and went on about “the Nazi stuff”. What Nazi stuff? The new “populist” party was to be modelled the Dutch and Danish examples and would block the NPD’s passage into the Federal parliament.
The skin crawls that this wrecking operation is the sort of thing that any nationalist organization would even wish to have a debate about.
The fact is that a real number was done on the NPD in the period from 1983-95. This was the time of the Republikaner, a party with a populist type agenda, which competed directly with the German nationalists on the basis of its so-called moderation. The Republikaner may even go over to the new anti Islamist party. It is commonly agreed that the Republikaner were a set-up by the Christian-Social party in Bavaria. The party even chose as leader a former member of the SS to court a little scandal, whilst pushing ‘moderation’. Eventually, this man saw through the entire game – and defected to the NPD!
So the NPD has been aware of ‘the game’. It has also in the last year or so, moved to limit the impact of the faked up anti Islamist groups by directly competing with them on public concerns over Islamism on German soil, whilst still maintaining their correct overall position.
The NPD’s three tier strategy, its cadre training, its strict adherence to nationalist ideology, its courage under fire, its political strategy of building local bases of people’s power – all this shows health in the party.
And the NPD, like the freedom populists, has allies across Europe. The Australian nationalists would do better to consider them friends than the gaggle of opportunists promising a treat on the basis of clever tricks.
Conclusion: Uphold Nationalist Principles!
It is inevitable that nationalist principles come under attack. Liberal democratic capitalist states attack and seek to demobilize their challengers.
In this case, a populist temptation has come before our friends in Nationalist Alternative. If Nationalist Alternative seeks to uphold nationalism, then it must fight against the Zionization of the nationalist movement, against false populism, against the cult of the BNP which has been introduced into Australia by the opportunists.
At the moment, the opportunist current seems strong in some countries. But it is weak in others. Yet, even in Britain, the revived National Front is taking forward the battle to the BNP, the poster-boy of the fake populism. The battle will be fought out everywhere.
Australia First says plainly that there is no way forward other than to apply more adroitly than ever our nationalist ideals. There is no treat as a reward for capitulation to the enemy; there is no trick that can build a true movement of identity, independence and freedom, of Australian nationalism.
We do not accept that the article was really about the German movement. It reminds us a little of the Russo-Chinese dispute over the sanctity (sic) of communism. When the Russians denounced the Albanians and the Chinese lambasted the Yugoslavs, each was criticizing the other. We cannot escape the idea that this article was a new phase of the Australian war in which Nationalist Alternative expressed some doubts over general line.
We do not have free debate inside a nationalist party over our very reason for being. That is suicide. We are here to wage a struggle and to do it well. Our real criticism is that Nationalist Alternative chose to have a debate with itself.
Debate over!
End note: Three tiers method: integrates: electoral work at all levels, particularly local level ; community action (demonstrations, meetings, leaflet drives, petitions, action in schools, universities, unions and other associations and campaigns that incite community attention, that extends the impact of the organization and the psychological reach of its propaganda ; ideological and cultural work (forums and other events and publications that improve the ideological expression of the movement and campaigns, publications and other work tailored to the idea of the cultural defense of the national identity.
The three tiers method holds that a nationalist party cannot practice less than all three methods in tandem.
1. The three tiers of struggle – should identify what they are at the beginning, as they are referred to in the first part of the text.
2. The red herring of Nazism – the fact is.. a true German nationalist cannot but by nature agree with and want to implement many of the same policies the National Socialists had in place. As they were good for the German Volk. You can call your new movement/party anything you want.. but when asked a few key questions on the position of certain issues – the similarities to the ones the National Socialists had would be identical – therefore any party will be call Nazi. Your enemies are not going to stop using the term.
I find the articles reference to yearning for the good old days of the 50’s and 60’s and under communism an insult to what the German people suffered during those times. They yearn for the elements in society that kept away the jewish filth and westernisation of their societies, but a true nationalist government would do that anyway. They do not yearn for what they suffered under communism.
Becoming a lukewarm mainstream party dilutes your message – who are you trying to attract? The same lukewarm people who are not interested in changing the direction of our current society, or who only don’t like bits of it? They will only be attracted to the lukewarm message in your new party – and will fiercely resist the core nationalist components that you are trying to “hide” - therefore making a completely ineffective party.
Is the article summing up however our journey to how the communists got us to where we are today? Loved the anecdote about the communist party, and what we spoke about – how those people are now in the mainstream parties and have fashioned them to where they want, becoming more radical over time. Can this strategy really work with nationalists policies – they are so opposite to what is currently in place. This change also took place over 30 years or so – do we have that time.
If we stick to our core values – when the time is right and the mood in society is ready – they will come to us, as we will represent the only true alternative option. Not a watered down version that’s a bit different to the current status quo. We must stick to our core values – true nationalists cannot pretend to be what they are not.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Left - Right Out
by John Gordon

Political principles which are founded only on a posture of character or a feeling – like “conservative” (i.e., being resistant to political change, especially if that change is of a fundamental nature) and “progressive” (an older term for being inclined towards a liberal or revolutionary political stance) are prone to lose their meaning over time if they are not linked to substantive principles (viz. fundamental principles of politics which do not change over time as objectives of policy). This loss of original meaning has also occurred with the terms “left” and “right” – which are no longer pure concepts, but now hopelessly conceptually skewed and mixed into their opposites, and therefore almost useless for purposes of clarification or analysis. The clear meaning that they once possessed – as they did, at their origin – has long since passed and this has had a negative impact on the understanding of contemporary politics and on what the way forward is for those who want a good society or who want to work towards such a society. However, the course of this progressive confusion of terms can be readily traced.
The origin of the terms (“left” and “right”) was in a specific political and historical context, and an examination of what they meant at their birth can provide us with both the type of character which tends to favour either one and – more importantly – the substantive content which they were meant to embody.
These terms arose in relation to the French Revolution, when in the Legislative Assembly of 1791 supporters of the ancien régime sat on the right side of the chamber, while its opponents sat on the left side. The right side represented the side in power at the time, and the left side that of the opposition who were not in power and want to change the state of affairs (in this case, to take revolutionary control).
The “right” or the “conservatives” originally stood for “Throne and Altar” – preserving the political and religious status quo AT THAT TIME.
The “left” or the “progressives” originally stood for “popular sovereignty” and the separation of Church and State in advocating the “universal rights of man” of the French Revolution it was opposed to the status quo AT THAT TIME.
The battle between left and right (understood in their original sense) was won by the left. The French Republics prevailed over the old aristocracy; the British reformed the basis of their constitution in favour of popular sovereignty; Russia catastrophically underwent a revolution of the extreme left; and Germany lost its own ancien régime to the Weimar Republic – specifically based on liberal principles; (and the US was founded on principles compatible with those of the French Revolution[1]).
The situation for us in the contemporary West has only worsened since these events. The outcome of WWII was a disaster precisely for the allies, as it led to the attempt at a proto-world government based on left principles: the United Nations (UN). It was able to achieve this because the US at that time saw the inherent compatibility of the UN’s aims with the advancement of its own geo-political objective: bankrupting the British and ensuring their own ascension to global dominance (at least over the West) at the British Empire’s expense. The ostensible goal of WWII was the removal of a tyranny, but the actual result was in addition the foundation of one on a permanent basis: the war was started to avert a disequilibrium between the various European powers, but it ended up with erecting an unelected and unrepresentative global surveillance and control system. (The UN drafted its charter deliberately to exclude withdrawal from it, thereby admitting that it is a tyranny since it has knowingly removed any possible basis of consent, which requires freedom to choose to be a part or not to be part of any group). The foundation of this tyranny was temporarily obscured by the more massive confrontation between the victors of WWII – the United States of America (USA) and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). The UN has a veneer of consent because the Western Powers – or rather, the Allies – had complicity in its founding. But the UN gained support precisely by obscuring its intentions and withholding decisive information about itself, which otherwise would have prevented it gaining support, at least in the Western world.
It follows as a consequence of this that those who have won (the “left”) are today’s supporters of the status quo since it now embodies their own principles, so that they are the true right in today’s terms and hence are fundamentally conservative towards the status quo. Conversely, those who have lost the battle over our own societies (the “right”) are today’s “progressives” who want fundamental change for the better, so that they are the true left in today’s terms.
The perverse effect of this perverse situation is that people are often misled about what is in their true interest: the status quo is the contemporary right’s problem, conservatism is a feeling which inclines one to preserve what exists, but what exists is precisely the right’s problem.
So what is the situation for the right once the left have won? To be conservative in that situation (which is our own) is to fight for and preserve the left’s and not the right’s substantive principles. To try to work within the system now is to operate contrary to the right’s principles. In order to get back to the substantive, non-ephemeral core of the right’s political objectives requires the adoption – as means, not ends – of the left’s own originally revolutionary approach (the Establishment/the Left can hardly complain on that matter, since it won via this very same method). Why should the intellectually derelict structures of the left stay intact and be defended by those of us who are in principle opposed to them? Why should loyalty to these retrograde ideas and institutions be expected of those whose own positions are founded on diametrically opposed ideas? Too long has the left relied for the maintenance of its own structures on the compliant loyalty of those against whose interests those very structures embody, and it even now still insists on relying for support on those whose principles are in direct opposition to the left.
The left relies on the tacit support of contemporary conservatives to maintain its rule. But conservatives need to be made conscious of the fact that their own interests are not, have not and never will be served by their own compliance and submission to leftist dictates and dogma.
Often conservative voters are bewildered that – having voted for a conservative government (even in landslide elections) – the conservative party elected fails to implement “conservative” policy. They are stunned and become disgruntled that the legislation and policy of the previously elected left party has neither been repealed nor often even ameliorated: it is preserved and thereby conserved and incorporated into prescriptive right and becomes part of the status quo.
It is in the left’s interest for voters to be unreflectively non-revolutionarily conservative. For the left merely has only to get into power from time to time to ratchet up its preferred political positions in order to achieve its full programme. They can rely on conservatives never to revoke, invalidate, or repeal their fundamental platform.
The left is quite aware about what it is doing and the effect of what it demands. This is why the media (most notably the ABC, but not confined to that political propaganda broadcasting agency) and the left wing parties insisted upon the (conservative) Coalition parties placing their preferences to Pauline Hanson’s party last on the ballot paper, thereby favouring the election of the left’s own politically preferred candidates – even though the allocation of party preferences was entirely an internal matter for the Coalition parties and that the left would never bow to pressure from parties of the right to favour a candidate against its own political interests. (This is not an endorsement of Pauline Hanson, merely a critique of the extremes that the left – which includes the media – will go to when there is a perceived threat to leftwing parties and principles). The compliance of the conservatives in this case was a victory for the left at the conservatives’ own hands. A tougher response admittedly risked losing an election, but it would have strengthened the right in two ways: firstly, by the cleansing of the party of leftist elements (who would have left voluntarily) and by placing a non-leftist position within the frame of legitimate political discussion within the media (making the leftist positions contestable again publicly).
The prominence of “hate-speech” legislation and – insidiously – the expansion of it to include “holocaust denial” is entirely a product of the Left. It is unchallenged by the media or by any mainstream political party, despite being an obvious infringement of democratic norms such as freedom of thought and speech. “Hate speech” is little examined by those on the right and by conservatives and it is worth our while to examine it because it is entrenched politically and academically.
Basically, it is the way the Left can enforce its own political dogma without being in office: the criminalisation of all political thought which is against its own agenda or view of the world. “Hate speech” laws and their like are also a good example of the left achieving its ends without challenge from conservatives.
What is “hate speech”? “Hate-speech” is usually just anger speech. Anger is a normal part of what makes a human being a human being – it comes to the fore politically as the expression of condemnation of injustice. The sight of injustice being done gives rise (in normal individuals, at least) to anger: the desire to punish the wrong-doers. People unable to restrain their sense of injustice may well lash out and act violently, but the inherent injustice that the feeling of anger expresses exists independently whether someone controls their feelings or does not. So, there are two types of anger-speech – only one is reprehensible, while the other is not. “Hate” speech legislation should not infringe upon the freedom of speech – certainly of political speech – which we are presumed to enjoy in free societies. The infringement constitutes an injustice against all members of society even when “thought criminals” are not prosecuted since it acts as a threat of punishment in an area where such a threat of punishment should not be tolerated. “Hate” speech legislation is used to mask the injustice it perpetuates by conflating the two types of anger-speech, which are merely two different ways of responding to injustice, as both being criminal. Here “hate” speech legislation infringes on the Freedom of Thought and Freedom of Speech upon which our liberal democracies rely to sustain their own case for legitimacy.
The UN and leftist principles cannot preserve our societies or look after their interests – this is not accidental or incidental, it was apparent from the very beginning of the UN. The Australian diplomat, writer and war veteran, Sir Walter Russell Crocker KBE, provides insight to the internal workings of the UN being a witness to it from within:
“It came as a shock to the British, not least to the British Labour government’s minister for Colonial Affairs, Creech-Jones… to discover that the British were regarded as an enemy, in some UN quarters as the enemy. Churchill in the latter days of the war had said, in response to one of Roosevelt’s anti-colonies policies, that he had no intention of seeing Britain put in the dock. That was precisely where she was put by the UN. That she had done so much, and at such cost, to bring Hitler and his Nazis down, standing up to them alone for two years, holding the pass until America came into the war, counted for nothing. At Lake Success [viz. the temporary headquarters of the United Nations while its headquarters building in New York City was built], Britain was the whipping boy.”[2]
Some of the members of the “Negro colleges” which “were too often… poisoned with hate and with anti-white racialism… got themselves appointed to the [UN] Secretariat.”[3] The tone and direction of the UN was set by this racialism which was anti-white in nature, leading Crocker to observe:
A piquant thing about the American drive against colonies was not only their de facto alliance with the [Soviet] Russians in the drive but the part played by American Negroes. The Negroes saw the UN as a whip to be used against America for the racial inferiority to which they saw themselves condemned. More than once I had the experience in my first months at Lake Success of a Negro taxi driver refusing to accept payment – he saw me, as a UN official, as somebody striving to get a better lot for the Negroes against white Americans.”[4]
The UN can thus be seen as the world’s “Weimar Republic” – a constitution thrust upon a people (in this case, numerous peoples) based on leftist principles which does not look after the interests or good of those it governs, nay it has been emphatically designed to rule at the expense of national, cultural, political, ethnic and economic interests of the nation.
The practice of the UN has been racist and anti-nationalist, but what about the theory behind it? Is there just a bad coincidence here which a little (or a lot of) reform could fix, or is there something fundamentally wrong with the UN (and the attempt at world government based on “human rights”) which will also impact negatively on national sovereignty and the exercise of the rights attached to citizens of nations?
How extreme is the left these days and how entrenched is it? A new culmination of leftist thought replaces a previously held right which was limiting the leftist agenda into an “unright.” Larking and Abizadeh both independently argue that there is “No Right to Control Your Own Borders Unilaterally.”[5]
Abizadeh does this by re-interpreting the meaning of the basic political unit of the demos (people). In contrast to conventional understandings, he re-interprets it as not being “bounded” by anything (in particular, not by a nation), but as “unbounded” or infinite in extension (at least in principle). This infinite extension of the political unit is consistent with the leftist notion of political universalism, but is fundamentally at odds with the conservative and nationalist position of the primacy of the particular. Since Abizadeh argues on the basis of leftist understanding of terms his argument is unsuccessful, and he pre-supposes his position to begin with and then is surprised that his argument miraculously coincides with the leftist position he wants. To achieve his universalist position he would have to prove that the coercion of the state is legitimate “only insofar as it is actually justified by and to” both citizens and non-citizens.[6] In other words, it cannot account for the legitimacy of war and in a situation of attack could not provide a rationale for resistance to aggression. His notion of legitimacy (upon which his argument rests) is therefore fundamentally unsound and unconvincing.
Larking tries to argue much the same thing: “Constitutional democracies must abandon the sovereign assertion of a right to act primarily in the interests of their own citizens.”[7] This should send shivers down the spine of anyone who calls themselves conservative. Luckily, her case is even weaker than Abizadeh’s, resting on an ignorance of parliamentary sovereignty and its justification by Dicey, and assuming that John Locke is an unchallenged and unrefuted constitutional source (especially for democracies which incorporate the “Westminster” or British system of government – like Australia).
Larking and Abizadeh are merely drawing out the inferences based on the premises set forth in UN declarations. The fault is in the UN and its declarations. Conservatives have to learn not to treat the symptoms by complaining about what is being taught in universities, but to remove the cause of the problem.
What is the essential, non-ephemeral core of the right which is not subject to fluctuation? The substantive principle of the right is: the common good of a community of people in a political formation. Or, more abstractly: the right of the particular, not the universal. A number of consequences follow from this: that no world government is possible or desirable (and if instituted, would constitute a tyranny). Two other consequences follow from this:
- the greater or lesser attainment of other races/nations has no priority of claim over one’s own nation, the group has to ensure its own survival and its own good.
- Aid, assistance, or help of any form therefore becomes an act of grace, and not a moral duty: it is an uncompelled favour – freely given (if given), and cannot be compelled.
These are not politically irrelevant considerations because the right to self-determination is derivative from these principles. There is no other secure basis for it. This can be easily seen when one examines the fact that the UN cannot even secure its own raison d’être as outlined in its own Charter. Even putting aside the unrealistic goal of world peace (however desirable it has not been achieved since 1945), the UN undermines its own basic objectives. This can be clearly seen in the case of self-determination of peoples: “…when self-determination becomes associated with the right of particular ethnic groups to determine their own political status [self-determination] ceases to be a human right because it becomes discriminatory in nature.”[8] The UN and its charter of “human rights” is therefore unable to secure self-determination of particular ethnic groups, despite claiming as its legitimation the security of self-determination. Chapter 1, Article 1, part 2 of the UN Charter states its purpose as: “To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace.” This sounds like it is compatible with nationalism – but the UN compromises that principle by its denial of the right of self-determination of ethnic groups. The only secure principle consistent with self-determination is the nationalist principle of the right of the particular over the universal. This is also a fundamentally conservative doctrine as it preserves the distinctive individuality of nations and underwrites their preservation into the future. The UN and universalist/leftist position in contrast places all nations and people in jeopardy in the face of globalisation and eventuates in the removal of national borders and the total abolition of any sovereignty besides that of a global government, indifferent to the common good of any nation.
So, what specific policies or positions do the principles of the right call on us to adopt? The laws and institutions which back, support, monitor or enforce “Hate speech” legislation or any other Orwellian curtailments of freedom of thought, speech, or association need to be abolished and revoked. However, what must be observed is that they were not removed or abolished by the “conservative” Howard government in its eleven years in office. The only possible excuse for such failure to act to remove these leftist institutions, treaties, and laws is that the media and the left have grown so powerful that any opposition to them is now impossible to achieve, even for a democratically elected government. That is an admission in effect that parliament and our liberal democracy have failed, are dead, and need to be replaced. And that such a radical position must be the conservative political policy and agenda of our times.
But this excuse of a too powerful media is an insufficient reason for the “conservatives” to give in their defence, since it does not stop one talking about such a deplorable state of affairs and thereby garnering public support to écrasez l’infâme. But Howard and co. have been noticeably silent on this matter. This means that we are in a situation where only one side of politics has any opportunity to advance its agenda, while the other is entirely excluded from acting on its political principles.
But the situation is even worse than that, because the “conservative” position as expressed by “conservatives” politically and in the press/tv does not acknowledge this situation and may even support the left and their institutions here. That is to say, the publicly, self-identified conservative movement does not act on the principles of the right, but has already lost the battle and is fighting for or supporting the leftist institutions and ideas.
Only a clear understanding of the substantive, non-ephemeral core of the right’s political objectives can find a way for conservatives to be successful in their political endeavours by tackling the root causes of the problem.
Abizadeh, Arash. 2008. “Democratic Theory and Border Coercion: No Right to Unilaterally Control Your Own Borders” Political Theory 36.1: 37-65.
Crocker, Sir Walter. 1985. The role of Sir Raphael Cilento at the United Nations. University of Queensland Press. Brisbane.
Larking, Emma. 2004. “Human rights and the Principle of Sovereignty” Australian Journal of Human Rights (AJHR) 10.1: 15-32.
Musgrave, Thomas D. 1997. Self-Determination and National Minorities. Oxford University Press. Oxford.
Zifcak, Spencer. 2003. Mr Ruddock Goes to Geneva. University of New South Wales Press. Sydney.[1] Even pro-US political scientists recognise this compatibility, see for example page 83, Harry V. Jaffa, Crisis of the House Divided, 1959, University of Chicago, 1982 Reprint.[2] Crocker (1985) 13.[3] Ibid. 15.[4] Ibid. 16.[5] Larking (2004) and Abizadeh (2008).[6] Abizadeh (2008) 41.[7] Larking (2004).[8] Musgrave (1997) 179.John Gordon is an Australian New Right activist and can be contacted through the New Right Australia/New Zealand website
by John Gordon

Political principles which are founded only on a posture of character or a feeling – like “conservative” (i.e., being resistant to political change, especially if that change is of a fundamental nature) and “progressive” (an older term for being inclined towards a liberal or revolutionary political stance) are prone to lose their meaning over time if they are not linked to substantive principles (viz. fundamental principles of politics which do not change over time as objectives of policy). This loss of original meaning has also occurred with the terms “left” and “right” – which are no longer pure concepts, but now hopelessly conceptually skewed and mixed into their opposites, and therefore almost useless for purposes of clarification or analysis. The clear meaning that they once possessed – as they did, at their origin – has long since passed and this has had a negative impact on the understanding of contemporary politics and on what the way forward is for those who want a good society or who want to work towards such a society. However, the course of this progressive confusion of terms can be readily traced.
The origin of the terms (“left” and “right”) was in a specific political and historical context, and an examination of what they meant at their birth can provide us with both the type of character which tends to favour either one and – more importantly – the substantive content which they were meant to embody.
These terms arose in relation to the French Revolution, when in the Legislative Assembly of 1791 supporters of the ancien régime sat on the right side of the chamber, while its opponents sat on the left side. The right side represented the side in power at the time, and the left side that of the opposition who were not in power and want to change the state of affairs (in this case, to take revolutionary control).
The “right” or the “conservatives” originally stood for “Throne and Altar” – preserving the political and religious status quo AT THAT TIME.
The “left” or the “progressives” originally stood for “popular sovereignty” and the separation of Church and State in advocating the “universal rights of man” of the French Revolution it was opposed to the status quo AT THAT TIME.
The battle between left and right (understood in their original sense) was won by the left. The French Republics prevailed over the old aristocracy; the British reformed the basis of their constitution in favour of popular sovereignty; Russia catastrophically underwent a revolution of the extreme left; and Germany lost its own ancien régime to the Weimar Republic – specifically based on liberal principles; (and the US was founded on principles compatible with those of the French Revolution[1]).
The situation for us in the contemporary West has only worsened since these events. The outcome of WWII was a disaster precisely for the allies, as it led to the attempt at a proto-world government based on left principles: the United Nations (UN). It was able to achieve this because the US at that time saw the inherent compatibility of the UN’s aims with the advancement of its own geo-political objective: bankrupting the British and ensuring their own ascension to global dominance (at least over the West) at the British Empire’s expense. The ostensible goal of WWII was the removal of a tyranny, but the actual result was in addition the foundation of one on a permanent basis: the war was started to avert a disequilibrium between the various European powers, but it ended up with erecting an unelected and unrepresentative global surveillance and control system. (The UN drafted its charter deliberately to exclude withdrawal from it, thereby admitting that it is a tyranny since it has knowingly removed any possible basis of consent, which requires freedom to choose to be a part or not to be part of any group). The foundation of this tyranny was temporarily obscured by the more massive confrontation between the victors of WWII – the United States of America (USA) and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). The UN has a veneer of consent because the Western Powers – or rather, the Allies – had complicity in its founding. But the UN gained support precisely by obscuring its intentions and withholding decisive information about itself, which otherwise would have prevented it gaining support, at least in the Western world.
It follows as a consequence of this that those who have won (the “left”) are today’s supporters of the status quo since it now embodies their own principles, so that they are the true right in today’s terms and hence are fundamentally conservative towards the status quo. Conversely, those who have lost the battle over our own societies (the “right”) are today’s “progressives” who want fundamental change for the better, so that they are the true left in today’s terms.
The perverse effect of this perverse situation is that people are often misled about what is in their true interest: the status quo is the contemporary right’s problem, conservatism is a feeling which inclines one to preserve what exists, but what exists is precisely the right’s problem.
So what is the situation for the right once the left have won? To be conservative in that situation (which is our own) is to fight for and preserve the left’s and not the right’s substantive principles. To try to work within the system now is to operate contrary to the right’s principles. In order to get back to the substantive, non-ephemeral core of the right’s political objectives requires the adoption – as means, not ends – of the left’s own originally revolutionary approach (the Establishment/the Left can hardly complain on that matter, since it won via this very same method). Why should the intellectually derelict structures of the left stay intact and be defended by those of us who are in principle opposed to them? Why should loyalty to these retrograde ideas and institutions be expected of those whose own positions are founded on diametrically opposed ideas? Too long has the left relied for the maintenance of its own structures on the compliant loyalty of those against whose interests those very structures embody, and it even now still insists on relying for support on those whose principles are in direct opposition to the left.
The left relies on the tacit support of contemporary conservatives to maintain its rule. But conservatives need to be made conscious of the fact that their own interests are not, have not and never will be served by their own compliance and submission to leftist dictates and dogma.
Often conservative voters are bewildered that – having voted for a conservative government (even in landslide elections) – the conservative party elected fails to implement “conservative” policy. They are stunned and become disgruntled that the legislation and policy of the previously elected left party has neither been repealed nor often even ameliorated: it is preserved and thereby conserved and incorporated into prescriptive right and becomes part of the status quo.
It is in the left’s interest for voters to be unreflectively non-revolutionarily conservative. For the left merely has only to get into power from time to time to ratchet up its preferred political positions in order to achieve its full programme. They can rely on conservatives never to revoke, invalidate, or repeal their fundamental platform.
The left is quite aware about what it is doing and the effect of what it demands. This is why the media (most notably the ABC, but not confined to that political propaganda broadcasting agency) and the left wing parties insisted upon the (conservative) Coalition parties placing their preferences to Pauline Hanson’s party last on the ballot paper, thereby favouring the election of the left’s own politically preferred candidates – even though the allocation of party preferences was entirely an internal matter for the Coalition parties and that the left would never bow to pressure from parties of the right to favour a candidate against its own political interests. (This is not an endorsement of Pauline Hanson, merely a critique of the extremes that the left – which includes the media – will go to when there is a perceived threat to leftwing parties and principles). The compliance of the conservatives in this case was a victory for the left at the conservatives’ own hands. A tougher response admittedly risked losing an election, but it would have strengthened the right in two ways: firstly, by the cleansing of the party of leftist elements (who would have left voluntarily) and by placing a non-leftist position within the frame of legitimate political discussion within the media (making the leftist positions contestable again publicly).
The prominence of “hate-speech” legislation and – insidiously – the expansion of it to include “holocaust denial” is entirely a product of the Left. It is unchallenged by the media or by any mainstream political party, despite being an obvious infringement of democratic norms such as freedom of thought and speech. “Hate speech” is little examined by those on the right and by conservatives and it is worth our while to examine it because it is entrenched politically and academically.
Basically, it is the way the Left can enforce its own political dogma without being in office: the criminalisation of all political thought which is against its own agenda or view of the world. “Hate speech” laws and their like are also a good example of the left achieving its ends without challenge from conservatives.
What is “hate speech”? “Hate-speech” is usually just anger speech. Anger is a normal part of what makes a human being a human being – it comes to the fore politically as the expression of condemnation of injustice. The sight of injustice being done gives rise (in normal individuals, at least) to anger: the desire to punish the wrong-doers. People unable to restrain their sense of injustice may well lash out and act violently, but the inherent injustice that the feeling of anger expresses exists independently whether someone controls their feelings or does not. So, there are two types of anger-speech – only one is reprehensible, while the other is not. “Hate” speech legislation should not infringe upon the freedom of speech – certainly of political speech – which we are presumed to enjoy in free societies. The infringement constitutes an injustice against all members of society even when “thought criminals” are not prosecuted since it acts as a threat of punishment in an area where such a threat of punishment should not be tolerated. “Hate” speech legislation is used to mask the injustice it perpetuates by conflating the two types of anger-speech, which are merely two different ways of responding to injustice, as both being criminal. Here “hate” speech legislation infringes on the Freedom of Thought and Freedom of Speech upon which our liberal democracies rely to sustain their own case for legitimacy.
The UN and leftist principles cannot preserve our societies or look after their interests – this is not accidental or incidental, it was apparent from the very beginning of the UN. The Australian diplomat, writer and war veteran, Sir Walter Russell Crocker KBE, provides insight to the internal workings of the UN being a witness to it from within:
“It came as a shock to the British, not least to the British Labour government’s minister for Colonial Affairs, Creech-Jones… to discover that the British were regarded as an enemy, in some UN quarters as the enemy. Churchill in the latter days of the war had said, in response to one of Roosevelt’s anti-colonies policies, that he had no intention of seeing Britain put in the dock. That was precisely where she was put by the UN. That she had done so much, and at such cost, to bring Hitler and his Nazis down, standing up to them alone for two years, holding the pass until America came into the war, counted for nothing. At Lake Success [viz. the temporary headquarters of the United Nations while its headquarters building in New York City was built], Britain was the whipping boy.”[2]
Some of the members of the “Negro colleges” which “were too often… poisoned with hate and with anti-white racialism… got themselves appointed to the [UN] Secretariat.”[3] The tone and direction of the UN was set by this racialism which was anti-white in nature, leading Crocker to observe:
A piquant thing about the American drive against colonies was not only their de facto alliance with the [Soviet] Russians in the drive but the part played by American Negroes. The Negroes saw the UN as a whip to be used against America for the racial inferiority to which they saw themselves condemned. More than once I had the experience in my first months at Lake Success of a Negro taxi driver refusing to accept payment – he saw me, as a UN official, as somebody striving to get a better lot for the Negroes against white Americans.”[4]
The UN can thus be seen as the world’s “Weimar Republic” – a constitution thrust upon a people (in this case, numerous peoples) based on leftist principles which does not look after the interests or good of those it governs, nay it has been emphatically designed to rule at the expense of national, cultural, political, ethnic and economic interests of the nation.
The practice of the UN has been racist and anti-nationalist, but what about the theory behind it? Is there just a bad coincidence here which a little (or a lot of) reform could fix, or is there something fundamentally wrong with the UN (and the attempt at world government based on “human rights”) which will also impact negatively on national sovereignty and the exercise of the rights attached to citizens of nations?
How extreme is the left these days and how entrenched is it? A new culmination of leftist thought replaces a previously held right which was limiting the leftist agenda into an “unright.” Larking and Abizadeh both independently argue that there is “No Right to Control Your Own Borders Unilaterally.”[5]
Abizadeh does this by re-interpreting the meaning of the basic political unit of the demos (people). In contrast to conventional understandings, he re-interprets it as not being “bounded” by anything (in particular, not by a nation), but as “unbounded” or infinite in extension (at least in principle). This infinite extension of the political unit is consistent with the leftist notion of political universalism, but is fundamentally at odds with the conservative and nationalist position of the primacy of the particular. Since Abizadeh argues on the basis of leftist understanding of terms his argument is unsuccessful, and he pre-supposes his position to begin with and then is surprised that his argument miraculously coincides with the leftist position he wants. To achieve his universalist position he would have to prove that the coercion of the state is legitimate “only insofar as it is actually justified by and to” both citizens and non-citizens.[6] In other words, it cannot account for the legitimacy of war and in a situation of attack could not provide a rationale for resistance to aggression. His notion of legitimacy (upon which his argument rests) is therefore fundamentally unsound and unconvincing.
Larking tries to argue much the same thing: “Constitutional democracies must abandon the sovereign assertion of a right to act primarily in the interests of their own citizens.”[7] This should send shivers down the spine of anyone who calls themselves conservative. Luckily, her case is even weaker than Abizadeh’s, resting on an ignorance of parliamentary sovereignty and its justification by Dicey, and assuming that John Locke is an unchallenged and unrefuted constitutional source (especially for democracies which incorporate the “Westminster” or British system of government – like Australia).
Larking and Abizadeh are merely drawing out the inferences based on the premises set forth in UN declarations. The fault is in the UN and its declarations. Conservatives have to learn not to treat the symptoms by complaining about what is being taught in universities, but to remove the cause of the problem.
What is the essential, non-ephemeral core of the right which is not subject to fluctuation? The substantive principle of the right is: the common good of a community of people in a political formation. Or, more abstractly: the right of the particular, not the universal. A number of consequences follow from this: that no world government is possible or desirable (and if instituted, would constitute a tyranny). Two other consequences follow from this:
- the greater or lesser attainment of other races/nations has no priority of claim over one’s own nation, the group has to ensure its own survival and its own good.
- Aid, assistance, or help of any form therefore becomes an act of grace, and not a moral duty: it is an uncompelled favour – freely given (if given), and cannot be compelled.
These are not politically irrelevant considerations because the right to self-determination is derivative from these principles. There is no other secure basis for it. This can be easily seen when one examines the fact that the UN cannot even secure its own raison d’être as outlined in its own Charter. Even putting aside the unrealistic goal of world peace (however desirable it has not been achieved since 1945), the UN undermines its own basic objectives. This can be clearly seen in the case of self-determination of peoples: “…when self-determination becomes associated with the right of particular ethnic groups to determine their own political status [self-determination] ceases to be a human right because it becomes discriminatory in nature.”[8] The UN and its charter of “human rights” is therefore unable to secure self-determination of particular ethnic groups, despite claiming as its legitimation the security of self-determination. Chapter 1, Article 1, part 2 of the UN Charter states its purpose as: “To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace.” This sounds like it is compatible with nationalism – but the UN compromises that principle by its denial of the right of self-determination of ethnic groups. The only secure principle consistent with self-determination is the nationalist principle of the right of the particular over the universal. This is also a fundamentally conservative doctrine as it preserves the distinctive individuality of nations and underwrites their preservation into the future. The UN and universalist/leftist position in contrast places all nations and people in jeopardy in the face of globalisation and eventuates in the removal of national borders and the total abolition of any sovereignty besides that of a global government, indifferent to the common good of any nation.
So, what specific policies or positions do the principles of the right call on us to adopt? The laws and institutions which back, support, monitor or enforce “Hate speech” legislation or any other Orwellian curtailments of freedom of thought, speech, or association need to be abolished and revoked. However, what must be observed is that they were not removed or abolished by the “conservative” Howard government in its eleven years in office. The only possible excuse for such failure to act to remove these leftist institutions, treaties, and laws is that the media and the left have grown so powerful that any opposition to them is now impossible to achieve, even for a democratically elected government. That is an admission in effect that parliament and our liberal democracy have failed, are dead, and need to be replaced. And that such a radical position must be the conservative political policy and agenda of our times.
But this excuse of a too powerful media is an insufficient reason for the “conservatives” to give in their defence, since it does not stop one talking about such a deplorable state of affairs and thereby garnering public support to écrasez l’infâme. But Howard and co. have been noticeably silent on this matter. This means that we are in a situation where only one side of politics has any opportunity to advance its agenda, while the other is entirely excluded from acting on its political principles.
But the situation is even worse than that, because the “conservative” position as expressed by “conservatives” politically and in the press/tv does not acknowledge this situation and may even support the left and their institutions here. That is to say, the publicly, self-identified conservative movement does not act on the principles of the right, but has already lost the battle and is fighting for or supporting the leftist institutions and ideas.
Only a clear understanding of the substantive, non-ephemeral core of the right’s political objectives can find a way for conservatives to be successful in their political endeavours by tackling the root causes of the problem.
Abizadeh, Arash. 2008. “Democratic Theory and Border Coercion: No Right to Unilaterally Control Your Own Borders” Political Theory 36.1: 37-65.
Crocker, Sir Walter. 1985. The role of Sir Raphael Cilento at the United Nations. University of Queensland Press. Brisbane.
Larking, Emma. 2004. “Human rights and the Principle of Sovereignty” Australian Journal of Human Rights (AJHR) 10.1: 15-32.
Musgrave, Thomas D. 1997. Self-Determination and National Minorities. Oxford University Press. Oxford.
Zifcak, Spencer. 2003. Mr Ruddock Goes to Geneva. University of New South Wales Press. Sydney.[1] Even pro-US political scientists recognise this compatibility, see for example page 83, Harry V. Jaffa, Crisis of the House Divided, 1959, University of Chicago, 1982 Reprint.[2] Crocker (1985) 13.[3] Ibid. 15.[4] Ibid. 16.[5] Larking (2004) and Abizadeh (2008).[6] Abizadeh (2008) 41.[7] Larking (2004).[8] Musgrave (1997) 179.John Gordon is an Australian New Right activist and can be contacted through the New Right Australia/New Zealand website
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
The Struggle between Nationalism and Globalization
(Part 2)
By Colin Godfrey*
As promised, this second part of the article will talk about more issues in relation to the struggle between Nationalism and globalization. My apologies for the long wait between the first and the second parts of this article. The second part will also attempt to address some comments that have been made about the first part of the article. Readers need to remember that this article is discussing the problem of globalization in relation to how it clashes with Nationalism. Too much talk about economics would lead to this article going on even longer than it already has and go onto never-ending tangents. The issue of globalization is very broad and this article tries to be metapolitical by giving a Nationalist perspective on the topic. The ideology of globalism itself, believes that people are “global citizens” who have no loyalty and cannot identify with any individual group which, is in total contrast to the ideology of Nationalism that believes in indentifying yourself with a specific nation, culture, language, heritage and way of life. When discussing Racial Nationalism (RN) in particular, Ian McKinney states that
‘RN has its foundation in biology and treats economics as an important, but secondary issue. The fact is that RN has no predefined economic philosophy. Economics are viewed primarily as to how the racial well-being of the people is affected. In short, RN rejects both the conservative model of unrestrained capitalism and the massive state-control of Marxism’. [1]
Capitalism goes hand-in-hand with globalization. These are ideologies that only care about how well economies are going and how much money they are making. Any human suffering or hardship that happens along the way is merely collateral damage.
Capitalism itself does not care what your heritage is or where you are from in the world or if you are dying of hunger or overwhelmed with bills that need to be paid. As Noam Chomsky remarks
‘Capitalism basically wants people to be interchangeable cogs, and differences among them, such as on the basis of race, usually are not functional. I mean, they may be functional for a period, like if you want a super exploited workforce or something, but those situations are kind of anomalous. Over the long term, you can expect capitalism to be anti-racist — just because its anti-human. And race is in fact a human characteristic — there’s no reason why it should be a negative characteristic, but it is a human characteristic. So therefore identifications based on race interfere with the basic ideal that people should be available just as consumers and producers, interchangeable cogs who will purchase all the junk that’s produced — that’s their ultimate function, and any other properties they might have are kind of irrelevant, and usually a nuisance’.[2]
So basically the grand plan of the capitalists and globalists is to make all the peoples of the world into merely producers and consumers of products. The idea of unique identity, culture, or heritage is seen as being irrelevant and an annoyance to keeping the money flowing in. Therefore it is the job of state authorities to quash any discontent by Nationalists or other anti-globalist groups that go against the status-quo.
Nonetheless, it must be taken into account that Nationalists are not all isolationist in their views either. A country which had a Nationalist government would of course trade with its neighbours (if they are willing) and to think that it would not is quite ridiculous. The whole issue of economics and Nationalism can be saved for another article in the future as globalization is the core issue here. In the article Confronting Globalization Alain de Benoist argues that
‘far from being an aberration or a radical innovation, or even the result of some plot, globalization is simply part of a long term dynamic of capitalism’.[3]
This relates to the ideologies of both communism and capitalism being imperialist/ globalist in nature and having machinations of forming their own kind of “World Order” to enslave the entire population of the Earth.
The various anti-globalization associations that are around the world fail to see the hypocrisy behind their own agenda. On the one hand, they will strenuously protest big multi-national companies and how 3rd world people will be so greatly disadvantaged because of all the inequality of wealth around the world and how the unique culture and heritage of these 3rd world people will be under serious threat. But on the other hand, is there any thought or effort put into the threat that also faces people from Western nations? The silence is deafening from those involved with the Traditional Left who have a sense of hatred and self-loathing for anything considered part of Western civilization. It is the calling of Nationalists from those Western nations who must stand up to this hypocrisy from the Traditional Left. Because as we all know it will be the symbolic example of the jackboot of Nationalism that will crush any coercive imperialist/globalist agenda which seeks to destroy our sense of identity, pride, heritage and culture. Historically, this has happened on the streets (just like in 1920s-30s Germany) and it will continue to do so. This is because Nationalism is like a flame which burns brighter and becomes larger with more and more passion, feelings, and emotion from people. Nationalism also gives people a sense of belonging and a sense of pride and self-worth. People believe they belong to a particular group and want to keep that group strong, healthy and help it survive. Nationalism wishes to help that group to become free, independent, successful, and find glory. Professor Lars Ingelstam also mentions that in
‘...returning to the context of globalization, it is important to recognize that the rapid escalation of all the different processes that are so rapidly linking everyone living on our planet today is a result of modernizing forces rooted in the industrial revolution, democratization, and the rise of ethnic nationalism. All of these changes entail the abandonment of traditional caste-like social differences rooted in hierarchic principles of inequality and sacred authority’.[4]
This explains how in some regards it is globalization which is destroying the natural order of societies and cultures around the world. Therefore, leading to conflict and rebellion by different ethnic groups who are quite content living the way they do and do not want to be globalized.
Another major issue that relates to globalization is how it intends to create a 20-80 society. This is a phrase coined by Hans-Peter Martin in his book The Global Trap which envisages a world where only 20% of the population has permanent well-paid jobs. The remaining 80% will be on casual work, will experience low income, and have poor financial security. Hans-Peter Martin explains that
‘...this was actually a scenario that world leaders in the political field and the field of economy came up with at a conference in San Francisco that I had the chance to attend, behind closed doors. And they would actually argue that 20 % of the world population would be enough to produce all the goods and services needed for the world population as far as purchasing power is concerned. And the rest... the 80 % would have to be kept quiet by what they call “tittytainment” - the mixture of entertainment and tits - but they were not referring to pornographic movies, they were referring to the breast of a feeding mother’.[5]
So basically, the ultimate plans of the globalists is to have a very small minority to do the majority of the work while the rest of the world are kept in low-paid, casual jobs and brainwashed/bemused by all this “tittytainment” so they don’t complain or rise up against these injustices. For the globalists it is all about making as much money as they can. The globalists have no concern for the welfare of people’s freedom, heritage, culture, identity, nation and way of life.
In a number of ways this topic of globalization is very relevant to the current world-wide events that are happening. At this point in time we are facing a world-wide economic crisis. Now this article will not go into any details about economics but it does go to show what happens when the greed of capitalists and globalists goes too far. Capitalism itself believes that making money is far more important than anything else in life and if the means justify the ends then nothing else matters. Hans-Peter Martin also says that
‘ has always been very important globally in almost all societies. What is new right now is that the importance of the financial markets is growing and growing, and that they are actually the power-house of globalisation. They have now become more dangerous to the world than nuclear weapons, and the really sad part about it is that they're not honest about their interest. They are just pretending - especially the analysts, the ones who play the markets - that they only reflect reality. But the last ideology left is the one of “free market is good for everybody”... this is simply not true. We see it happening in Asia, we saw it happening even here in this very country where I'm sitting right now in London, that if you liberalise too much you have a lot of negative effects’.[6]
However, we can see with the current global economic crisis that to rely far too heavily on free markets can seriously backfire on you. As a Nationalist we realise that there are many things insurmountably more important than material wealth and for that reason economics is never seen as being the be all and end all for us. It has been globalization that has forced the ideology of capitalism down the throats of people whether they like it or not. Many communities around the world were living quite happy and harmoniously before the spectre of globalism came around. Multiculturalism/Multiracialism, through mass immigration of peoples, is a by-product of globalization and there seems to be a rule of Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans and Western Nations for everybody! The hypocrisy of all this is pretty obvious, particularly if you are a Nationalist from a Western nation who is seeing the original demographic that helped create their country inevitably transform through the constant flood of migrants. It is not just the original inhabitancy that suffers, but also the native flora and fauna as well as the environment.
Globalization and imperialism has many similarities in relation to trying to dominate a particular set of values and practices over a multitude of vastly different peoples, cultures and countries. Professor Lars Ingelstam argues that
‘ a result of the rise and collapse of industrial empires and the explosion of modern communications and transportation technologies, the whole world is now exposed to the utterly wrenching experience of trying to replace traditional caste-like social structures with modern class-based practices. Such a transformation cannot take place overnight. Instead, it is a violent and devastating process, producing many antagonisms: the more advantaged citizens seek to protect their threatened privileges while activists from marginalized communities strive to obtain the advantages promised to all by the new ethos. Moreover, although this transformative process was launched in the West, contemporary globalization has accelerated its spread throughout the planet. It has generated fundamental problems involving sovereignty, nationalism, and constitutional choices’. [7]
From this argument we can see that globalization has in many ways caused a lot more problems than it has solved. Particularly in regards to the upheaval of societies that have had to adapt to new technologies and practices at an alarming rate. Technology, over the last 100 years, has progressed far more rapidly than any other moment in time. This has led to situations us as humans have never had deal with before in our history and while this has been a good thing in many ways it has also been a bad thing in others. We are not as close to nature as we once were many generations ago and because of this our environment has suffered and many animal species have become extinct.
In keeping with hearing the opinions of other Racial Nationalists on the topic of globalization Fred W. Riggs states that
‘ cultural nationalists deem the global context problematic and troubling, especially as it impacts the effectiveness of race as both a weapon of struggle, and framework for understanding reality. In their judgment, globalization has rendered blacks more susceptible to western and European hegemonic interests. To counteract this, they advocate strengthening, rather than weakening, the racial line’. [8]
In a multitude of ways many Racial Nationalists would agree with this and believe that racial identity needs to be strengthened against the spectre of globalization. Particularly as the ideas of globalization believe that there is “no such thing as race” but that we are all merely global citizens. Of course, there is the supremacist view that we should not bother listening to what African Nationalists have to say, but if they believe in the idea of separatism and each racial group having their own homogenous nation or territory then that is indeed a positive. In fact, there is much we can learn from different Nationalists all over the globe and by ignoring what they have to say we may miss something really useful. Nationalists from Europe, America, Australia etc should be pleased that there are other Racial Nationalists out there around the world that wish to live in their own separate nations without any interference from other racial groups.
Citizenship and globalization also has a link in regards to the idea of what it really means to be a citizen of a particular nation. There is now the common belief in many Western nations that gaining citizenship is about as worthless and meaningless as the piece of paper that it is written on. Fred W. Riggs believes that
‘...the conception of cultural citizenship implies human capacity, and willingness to deemphasize, or even transcend national or some other primordial construction of citizenship and identity—be it race, ethnicity, or religion. Afrocentric scholars who advocate an absolutist and monolithic construction of African and black Diaspora identity are opposed to, and deeply suspicious of, any global cosmopolitan construction of identity’. [9]
So we can see here that even African Nationalists are against the idea of global citizens as it takes away a person’s sense of racial identity and destroys any sense of genuine diversity around the world. The lies of globalism are seen by a variety of Racial Nationalists around the world who realise that it is a danger to be taken seriously because it attempts to fool people into thinking that racial difference is an illusion. White Civil Rights leader David Duke mentions that
‘ all of us know, the world is getting smaller. Incredible advancements in transportation and communication make it so. Many national corporations that once had minor branches overseas have now become truly international, and their own loyalties have gone beyond their own national origins. Profit is their one flag, their one loyalty. It flies above nation, culture, race, morality, health, concerns over the environment, anything. These global concentrations of enormous wealth have become a juggernaut, amassing huge power and weight like a snowball turning into an avalanche. Interwoven with their enterprises, the globalists dominate the media, which, of course, has also become truly international. With it they control the democracies, where the sheeple cannot distinguish between a free press and a controlled one’. [10]
From this statement even our own media supports a globalist agenda and is “managed” to give a particular bias on events and only shows us the news that the media chooses us to see. This just goes to show that Nationalism needs to be internationalized, where Nationalists around the world network together and work in a kind of coalition to help fight against globalization. It must be acknowledged that globalization is a major world-wide threat that wants to destroy our culture, our heritage, our way of life and our nations. Being a mere “citizen” of a nation does not make you a true part of it. Somebody who is truly part of a nation must have been born in that nation and been part of the dominant ethnic/cultural group which helped to form and create that particular nation, for example; somebody would have to be an ethnic Swede, speak Swedish, have been born in Sweden, and been brought up by Swedish customs to be considered a real part of the Swedish nation.
However, that doesn’t mean that our racial differences should be ignored and put aside to fight against the behemoth which is globalization. We need to respect all cultures but fight for our own culture above all. This interconnects very much with the idea of racial separatism and living the way we choose is appropriate for our own kind. We should not have anything to do with the genocidal multiculturalists that wish to transform us all into an unidentifiable mongrelized people. Fred W. Riggs states that
‘...the call for pan-blackist cultural vigilance and unity, and the projection of a monolithic African cultural world and identity, therefore, represent a response to the cultural implications of globalization. In the Afrocentric worldview, culture is an arena of irreconcilable conflict and antagonism between blacks and whites. Blacks are expected to maintain a respectable distance from, and vigilance against, white cultural contacts’. [11]
In many ways what is explained in the above comment is at the core belief of all Racial Nationalists who highly recommend that various racial groups should be separate and respect the right of self-determination and not allow the interference of other racial groups in their affairs. Globalization intrudes into the rights of people who are from different countries, cultures, ethnic groups etc who wish to live their own way according to their customs and beliefs. Globalists don’t care who is right or wrong or what the social or environmental consequences are when it comes to making profits.
Globalization is inextricably linked with the ideology of capitalism. This means that any view about what is right or wrong doesn’t apply when it comes to making profits. Morality is negligent for people who care more about how much money can be made from a particular business venture and not what the possible repercussions may be. A Pan-Blackist by the name of Professor Tunde Adeleke argues that
‘...those who preached Globalization couldn't tell the difference between ethics and morality. Ethics is the measurement of the public good. Morality is the weapon of religious and social righteousness. Political and economic ideologies often decline into religious-style morality toward the end. But Globalization had shoved ethics to the side from the very beginning and insisted upon a curious sort of moral righteousness that included maximum trade, unrestrained self-interest, and governments alone respecting their debts’.[12]
The individuals who take on the globalist viewpoint are not Nationalist minded people but are instead people who have no genuine understanding whatsoever to a sense of pride, identity or passion for their homeland or their own people. Globalists must be seen as people who cannot be trusted and would rather stab a person in the back if they could make a profit from it. They are kinds of people that believe that it is money “which makes the world go around”, anything else is of minor importance.
Globalization has only caused more pain and more suffering and conflict around the world than it has cured. Globalization is causing the genocide of unique cultures and ethnic groups around the world. Those ethnic groups that breed quicker than others are taking over places demographically and often replacing the original inhabitancy and creating a new area. Just like what happened with the Serbs losing the territory of Kosovo (which is Serbian ancestral homeland) to Albanian Muslims who became the dominant populace. People are being duped into believing that globalization is a good thing when in reality it is turning us into a very crowded, materialistic and mongrelized planet. Professor Tunde Adeleke believes that
‘...the reconceptualization of civilization through the prism of economics had reached a critical barrier. Beyond that barrier any international exchange that involved a commercial element would be treated as fundamentally commercial. Culture would be seen as a mere matter of industrial regulation; food, as a secondary outcome of agricultural industries’.[13]
This shows a prime example of how important things like culture, identity and even the food we eat is placed into economic value rather than being worth more than that .This shows how globalization and capitalism work hand-in-hand in dehumanizing us all.
We can already see the cracks forming in the idea of globalization being this wonderful, perfect, amazing thing which will help the peoples of the world all work together in harmony as “global citizens” in some kind of delusional fantasy. No matter what Globalization tries to do we shall always have religious and ethnic rivalries. Bringing people from far-flung places around the globe and dumping them all in the same place like various multicultural/multiracial societies try to do will only cause more and more problems in the long run. Globalization cannot stop a person’s sense of identity and belonging. When it comes to the collapse of globalism and the rebirth of Nationalism, Canadian John Ralston Saul raises a very interesting question when it comes to our sense of identity as a people. John Ralston Saul asks
‘what makes a people? A people has a common heritage and a will to a common destiny. A people exists despite superficial cleavages such as parties, interest groups, and passing trends in ideologies. As Georges Dumézil, Mircea Eliade, and Carl G. Jung have demonstrated, a people shares a "mythe fondateur"-a communal myth that gives birth to original cultural endeavors. The culture of a people, recalls Alain de Benoist, is its identity card and its mental respiration, and "it is the passport for a future that takes the shape of destiny." When a people becomes oblivious of its founding myth it is doomed to perish. Worse, it may turn into an aggregate of happy robots whose new dictum of universal human rights could be just another cloak for mindless hedonism’. [14]
As Nationalists we need to continually let the adherents of globalism know that we don’t believe in the idea of a “global citizen” and we don’t want to become a bunch of “happy robots” willing to do what is good for big business. It is the duty of Nationalists to wake people up to what is going on around them and to fight back against those who wish for us to forget our “founding myth” as coined by Alain De Benoist.
It is up to Nationalism to point out the obvious gaping flaws in globalization. Those who support communism cannot criticize globalization in an honest and unbiased manner because their own ideology only wants to replace capitalism with another internationalist world-view. Communism talks about giving the proletariat “freedom” when in reality it will lead to suppression and persecution of the people, just like during the reign of Stalin in the Soviet Union, Mao in China, Tito in Yugoslavia or Fidel Castro in Cuba. Professor Tomislav Sunic who is a Croatian-American knows all too well the suffering of those under communism in the former Yugoslavia. As Tomislav Sunic explains
‘Yugoslavia, founded on similar principles of multiculturalism, is a product of the Russian 19th-century pan-Slavism combined with the Wilsonian dream. This experiment has not resulted in perpetual peace. In times of great crises host nations no longer look at aliens as purveyors of exotic folklore, but rather as predators snatching bread from their host's mouth. Peoples are not the same; they never have been and never will be. Ethnic groups can be compared to the inmates of large American prisons, who usually begin to respect each only when their turf is staked out and when their cells are separated by massive stone walls. Thrown into one cell they are likely to devour each other in a perpetual conflict over "territorial imperative"’. [15]
Is this the same fate that shall affect those nations that are having multiculturalism/multiracialism forced onto them now? What clearly needs to be understood is that it will be racial separatism that will help stop any possibly conflicts that arise and not integration or assimilation as the multiculturalists/multiracialists will try and tell you.
Globalization in many ways is actually the scourge of diversity and not really the helper. It is full of inconsistencies and contradictions all in the name of making all the things we do and hold dear into economic commodities that are given monetary value. There is no need to have the same kind of restaurant or particular kind of soft drink all around the world, when people go overseas they shouldn’t expect to find the same things they have back in their own countries. As David Duke mentions
‘...building a McDonald’s and a coca cola machine on every street corner of the world is not only injurious to the health of the people of the world, it is uniformity, not diversity. It is unicultural not multicultural. Supporting massive immigration into Western nations is not multicultural; the nations the immigrants come from offer a truly different cultural environment. Melting them into one brown mass does not create diversity; it eventually destroys the indigenous culture of that particular nation. Even more so, it destroys the unique genetic heritage and character of those people and the unique nations that they created. Is it really a good thing for Germans to be outnumbered by Turks in their own nation? Is it good to remake Germany into a land foreign to its own people? Is it good to make whole sections of America into a replica of Mexico? Should The Russian people in the 21st century become dissolved by a massive influx of Asians, a fate Russia diligently avoided for two thousand years?’.[16]
These are all valid questions by David Duke that people need to ask themselves if they believe that globalization is a good thing, particularly those defenders of diversity and multiculturalism. Do these people actually realise that they are not supporting genuine diversity at all, but are really trying to turn us all into one mass-mongrelized world where everything is the same? Do these people who support this fake globalist diversity want to be responsible for the genocide of various unique cultures and peoples around the world? I hope those who support multiculturalism/multiracialism and read this article have a really good hard look in the mirror and ask themselves whether they are really supporting true diversity.
Now I realise it is unfair to lay all the blame of Globalization on the United States of America but they did play a major role in the beginning of it all. In his book Revolt against the Modern World Julius Evola clearly states that
‘America ... has created a “civilization” that represents an exact contradiction of the ancient European tradition. It has introduced the religion of praxis and productivity; it has put the quest for profit, great industrial production, and mechanical, visible, and quantative achievements over any other interest. It has generated a soulless greatness of a purely technological and collective nature, lacking any background of transcendence, inner light, and true spirituality. America has [built a society where] man becomes a mere instrument of production and material productivity within a conformist social conglomerate’. [17]
However, it can now be said that globalization has become a kind of Frankenstein’s Monster for America because of the world economic crisis with so many companies going bust and almost most of the world facing recession. Globalization has also caused big businesses to look elsewhere for cheap labour as they want to make more profits rather than having to pay workers more as they would in Western nations. The association between globalization and cheap labour has caused many Western nations to lose jobs to those 3rd World nations that pay their workers a lot less and it is the big businesses that reap the rewards. As Brenda Walker explains
‘...hundreds of thousands of high-paying manufacturing jobs have moved from the U.S. to Mexico, where they have become low-paying manufacturing jobs, even by Mexican standards. As Ralph Nader has said, “Globalized trade is a race to the bottom.” Such a result should not be surprising, however; globalized economic rules are completely skewed to benefit capital and investors. Mere citizens get zero’.[18]
From this comment it explains that the idea of a “trickle-down effect” for those workers doesn’t really happen. If anything, those workers in 3rd World nations who work for these massive multi-national companies are nothing more than slaves that are given a pittance compared to the millions of dollars the executives get for those companies.
Many people seem to forget that globalization is something that not just affects things like the products you buy, the restaurants you eat in and the clothes you wear, but it also affects entire Nations. It allows capitalism to run rampant without any concerns for what future consequences may arise. Ali A. Mazrui, an African academic, believes that
‘..globalization is negative when it allows itself to be a handmaiden to ruthless capitalism, increases the danger of warfare by remote control, deepens the divide between the haves and have-nots, and accelerates damage to our environment’.[19]
Plus there is the view that having a successful economy in more valuable than saving human lives. Starving people in a country cannot get in the way of making money. For example; if a tribe of people needed livestock because they are facing famine but they had not enough money to pay for these livestock what are they to do? Would those owners of livestock in the marketplace be expected to make a loss and give away their livestock for free just to help this tribe? We unfortunately live in a globalized world where profit margins supersede any value on human life. In the article Environment, Globalization and Genocide, S. Rowan Wolf, Ph.D. explicates that
‘...if there is a refusal to feed people when there is food available for fear of "disrupting" capitalist economics, then what is the likelihood of providing feed for the livestock of these tribes? None. So, the human influenced environmental catastrophe is worsened by the influence of globalization, resulting in the genocide of a people’.[20]
Now this relates back to one of the banner used at APEC in Sydney, September 2007, which says Globalization is Genocide! This is because the Globalists are more than happy to see entire cultures and peoples either amalgamated or wiped out so long as the mass multi-national companies they are part of continue to make profits. Keeping shareholders happy is far more important than the loss of human life. Globalists do not care if a country is being slowly demographically taken over, house by house, street by street, suburbs by suburb, city by city by various alien cultures.
Another threat which faces countries through globalization is how the economy and keeping big businesses happy is far more important for governments than keeping the people of that particular Nation happy. The unique individuality and sovereignty of that Nation can also be filtered away to bend to the will of the globalists. Ali A. Mazrui also states that
‘...globalization in governance is also leading to dilution of sovereignty within each country and the reduction of the power of the central government. Those European countries which have adopted the EURO as their currency have lost some sovereignty in the arena of monetary control. Regional unification in Europe is reducing the sovereignty of each member’.[21]
That is why it would be the requirement of a Nationalist government to repel any globalist changes to preserve a nation’s unique culture, identity and sovereignty. The most ideal solution for a Nationalist government to undertake would be to encourage “economic patriotism” which favours goods and services in their own country. This can be implemented via either demand stimulation or through supply protection (e.g. tariffs). But as has been stated throughout this article the issue of economics will not be discussed in any detail as the prime topic is globalization. Ian McKinney sums it up best in relation to discussing Racial Nationalism when he elucidates that
‘RN places the well-being of the people above that of economics; Economics is treated merely as a tool for the advancement of the racial community and not an end in itself. Thus, dangerous pollution and worker exploitation would be necessarily restricted, not from a desire to increase state control, but for the protection of the environment that is necessary for healthy living. We also recognize the danger posed by the ultra-wealthy and corporations who are able to manipulate government policy for their own selfish purposes, which in many cases are destructive’. [22]
This sort of belief is probably the most sensible, realistic and caring when it comes to the interconnection between globalization and its effects on the economy in a particular country.
In many respects, it is the obligation of every Nationalist no matter where they are in the world to rebel against the encroachment of globalization. We cannot sit idly by while our culture, our people and our way of life slowly melts away in a mongrelized mass of “global citizenry”. As reiterated earlier, it is important belief of a Nationalist to respect other cultures but to fight for your own culture because it is your own culture which you belong to and that makes you different and unique to others. We cannot let the globalists, who work hand-in-hand with the multiculturalists/multiracialists, have their way as it would mean the total destruction of the future for your people, your family and your culture. Globalization is no friend to diversity or to Nationalism. If anything, it is a deceitful enemy of all the various cultures around the world who wish to remain independent, free and preserve their identity and way of life. As S. Rowan Wolf, Ph.D. cautions
‘there is a sad irony in the fact that the path that has brought the world to this place is not recognized as a failed paradigm. As the world groans and peoples and cultures die, the decision is to plow ahead at all due speed. One can hope that people will rise up in time to change the path we are on, but that change is already too late for thousands of cultures’.[23]
This warning must be heeded before it comes too late for us all no matter what part of the world we are from. Our civilization would simply fall apart because of globalization and the mass amounts of people from alien cultures demographically taking over our nations and this must be stopped.
Overall, the only question is, how are we supposed to do this? Well, I would suggest the most important thing is to go out there and do Nationalistic activism. Sitting around complaining about things over the Internet on a discussion forum will never achieve anything in the long run and neither will immature infighting amongst various Nationalists because they don’t agree 100% with your own views. We all know that it is actions that speak louder than any words. I encourage people who read this to go out there into the “real world” and get active! We need to rebel against the oppression in our countries that forces us to just allow the globalist agenda to have its own way without any hindrance. Striving for freedom and liberty for our nation, our culture and our people should be our ultimate priority. The Russian Anarchist Mikhail Bakunin pronounces that
‘I feel myself always the patriot of all oppressed fatherlands. . . Nationality. . . is a historic, local fact which, like all real and harmless facts, has the right to claim general acceptance. . . Every people, like every person, is involuntarily that which it is and therefore has a right to be itself. . . Nationality is not a principle; it is a legitimate fact, just as individuality is. Every Nationality, great or small, has the incontestable right to be itself, to live according to its own nature. This right is simply the corollary of the general principal of freedom.’[24]
While it is understandable that many in Nationalist circles are suspicious of Anarchism this particular quote shows that every Nationality has a right to exist and for freedom and it goes against the globalist belief of the entire world being forced to become “global citizens” and our unique ethnic differences being changed to sameness.
To stop this, as Nationalists we need to start networking and organising ourselves to work in groups to do more activism. We need make sure we turn up to political demonstrations or just create our own. It is crucial to be involved with activist groups with the long-term intention of creating a broader Nationalist movement and becoming politically active. As Nationalists we cannot just be reactionary and wait for something to happen we need to make things happen ourselves! We need to be Nationalist revolutionaries that want to change things for the better and to protect our own ethnic groups, our own culture and our nations before globalization destroys everything that we hold dear and special to us all. I encourage all you Nationalists out there who read this article to get out there and make a difference, that way when you are old and grey you can proudly and honestly say to your grandchildren you did your bit to fight against the scourge of globalization with a clear conscience. Get up from behind your computers and fight for your people, fight your culture, fight for your way of life and most of all, fight for your nation against globalization!
*Colin Godfrey is a supporter of New Right Australia/New Zealand and can be contacted through the NR website
(Part 2)
By Colin Godfrey*

‘RN has its foundation in biology and treats economics as an important, but secondary issue. The fact is that RN has no predefined economic philosophy. Economics are viewed primarily as to how the racial well-being of the people is affected. In short, RN rejects both the conservative model of unrestrained capitalism and the massive state-control of Marxism’. [1]
Capitalism goes hand-in-hand with globalization. These are ideologies that only care about how well economies are going and how much money they are making. Any human suffering or hardship that happens along the way is merely collateral damage.
Capitalism itself does not care what your heritage is or where you are from in the world or if you are dying of hunger or overwhelmed with bills that need to be paid. As Noam Chomsky remarks
‘Capitalism basically wants people to be interchangeable cogs, and differences among them, such as on the basis of race, usually are not functional. I mean, they may be functional for a period, like if you want a super exploited workforce or something, but those situations are kind of anomalous. Over the long term, you can expect capitalism to be anti-racist — just because its anti-human. And race is in fact a human characteristic — there’s no reason why it should be a negative characteristic, but it is a human characteristic. So therefore identifications based on race interfere with the basic ideal that people should be available just as consumers and producers, interchangeable cogs who will purchase all the junk that’s produced — that’s their ultimate function, and any other properties they might have are kind of irrelevant, and usually a nuisance’.[2]
So basically the grand plan of the capitalists and globalists is to make all the peoples of the world into merely producers and consumers of products. The idea of unique identity, culture, or heritage is seen as being irrelevant and an annoyance to keeping the money flowing in. Therefore it is the job of state authorities to quash any discontent by Nationalists or other anti-globalist groups that go against the status-quo.
Nonetheless, it must be taken into account that Nationalists are not all isolationist in their views either. A country which had a Nationalist government would of course trade with its neighbours (if they are willing) and to think that it would not is quite ridiculous. The whole issue of economics and Nationalism can be saved for another article in the future as globalization is the core issue here. In the article Confronting Globalization Alain de Benoist argues that
‘far from being an aberration or a radical innovation, or even the result of some plot, globalization is simply part of a long term dynamic of capitalism’.[3]
This relates to the ideologies of both communism and capitalism being imperialist/ globalist in nature and having machinations of forming their own kind of “World Order” to enslave the entire population of the Earth.
The various anti-globalization associations that are around the world fail to see the hypocrisy behind their own agenda. On the one hand, they will strenuously protest big multi-national companies and how 3rd world people will be so greatly disadvantaged because of all the inequality of wealth around the world and how the unique culture and heritage of these 3rd world people will be under serious threat. But on the other hand, is there any thought or effort put into the threat that also faces people from Western nations? The silence is deafening from those involved with the Traditional Left who have a sense of hatred and self-loathing for anything considered part of Western civilization. It is the calling of Nationalists from those Western nations who must stand up to this hypocrisy from the Traditional Left. Because as we all know it will be the symbolic example of the jackboot of Nationalism that will crush any coercive imperialist/globalist agenda which seeks to destroy our sense of identity, pride, heritage and culture. Historically, this has happened on the streets (just like in 1920s-30s Germany) and it will continue to do so. This is because Nationalism is like a flame which burns brighter and becomes larger with more and more passion, feelings, and emotion from people. Nationalism also gives people a sense of belonging and a sense of pride and self-worth. People believe they belong to a particular group and want to keep that group strong, healthy and help it survive. Nationalism wishes to help that group to become free, independent, successful, and find glory. Professor Lars Ingelstam also mentions that in
‘...returning to the context of globalization, it is important to recognize that the rapid escalation of all the different processes that are so rapidly linking everyone living on our planet today is a result of modernizing forces rooted in the industrial revolution, democratization, and the rise of ethnic nationalism. All of these changes entail the abandonment of traditional caste-like social differences rooted in hierarchic principles of inequality and sacred authority’.[4]
This explains how in some regards it is globalization which is destroying the natural order of societies and cultures around the world. Therefore, leading to conflict and rebellion by different ethnic groups who are quite content living the way they do and do not want to be globalized.
Another major issue that relates to globalization is how it intends to create a 20-80 society. This is a phrase coined by Hans-Peter Martin in his book The Global Trap which envisages a world where only 20% of the population has permanent well-paid jobs. The remaining 80% will be on casual work, will experience low income, and have poor financial security. Hans-Peter Martin explains that
‘...this was actually a scenario that world leaders in the political field and the field of economy came up with at a conference in San Francisco that I had the chance to attend, behind closed doors. And they would actually argue that 20 % of the world population would be enough to produce all the goods and services needed for the world population as far as purchasing power is concerned. And the rest... the 80 % would have to be kept quiet by what they call “tittytainment” - the mixture of entertainment and tits - but they were not referring to pornographic movies, they were referring to the breast of a feeding mother’.[5]
So basically, the ultimate plans of the globalists is to have a very small minority to do the majority of the work while the rest of the world are kept in low-paid, casual jobs and brainwashed/bemused by all this “tittytainment” so they don’t complain or rise up against these injustices. For the globalists it is all about making as much money as they can. The globalists have no concern for the welfare of people’s freedom, heritage, culture, identity, nation and way of life.
In a number of ways this topic of globalization is very relevant to the current world-wide events that are happening. At this point in time we are facing a world-wide economic crisis. Now this article will not go into any details about economics but it does go to show what happens when the greed of capitalists and globalists goes too far. Capitalism itself believes that making money is far more important than anything else in life and if the means justify the ends then nothing else matters. Hans-Peter Martin also says that
‘ has always been very important globally in almost all societies. What is new right now is that the importance of the financial markets is growing and growing, and that they are actually the power-house of globalisation. They have now become more dangerous to the world than nuclear weapons, and the really sad part about it is that they're not honest about their interest. They are just pretending - especially the analysts, the ones who play the markets - that they only reflect reality. But the last ideology left is the one of “free market is good for everybody”... this is simply not true. We see it happening in Asia, we saw it happening even here in this very country where I'm sitting right now in London, that if you liberalise too much you have a lot of negative effects’.[6]
However, we can see with the current global economic crisis that to rely far too heavily on free markets can seriously backfire on you. As a Nationalist we realise that there are many things insurmountably more important than material wealth and for that reason economics is never seen as being the be all and end all for us. It has been globalization that has forced the ideology of capitalism down the throats of people whether they like it or not. Many communities around the world were living quite happy and harmoniously before the spectre of globalism came around. Multiculturalism/Multiracialism, through mass immigration of peoples, is a by-product of globalization and there seems to be a rule of Asia for the Asians, Africa for the Africans and Western Nations for everybody! The hypocrisy of all this is pretty obvious, particularly if you are a Nationalist from a Western nation who is seeing the original demographic that helped create their country inevitably transform through the constant flood of migrants. It is not just the original inhabitancy that suffers, but also the native flora and fauna as well as the environment.
Globalization and imperialism has many similarities in relation to trying to dominate a particular set of values and practices over a multitude of vastly different peoples, cultures and countries. Professor Lars Ingelstam argues that
‘ a result of the rise and collapse of industrial empires and the explosion of modern communications and transportation technologies, the whole world is now exposed to the utterly wrenching experience of trying to replace traditional caste-like social structures with modern class-based practices. Such a transformation cannot take place overnight. Instead, it is a violent and devastating process, producing many antagonisms: the more advantaged citizens seek to protect their threatened privileges while activists from marginalized communities strive to obtain the advantages promised to all by the new ethos. Moreover, although this transformative process was launched in the West, contemporary globalization has accelerated its spread throughout the planet. It has generated fundamental problems involving sovereignty, nationalism, and constitutional choices’. [7]
From this argument we can see that globalization has in many ways caused a lot more problems than it has solved. Particularly in regards to the upheaval of societies that have had to adapt to new technologies and practices at an alarming rate. Technology, over the last 100 years, has progressed far more rapidly than any other moment in time. This has led to situations us as humans have never had deal with before in our history and while this has been a good thing in many ways it has also been a bad thing in others. We are not as close to nature as we once were many generations ago and because of this our environment has suffered and many animal species have become extinct.
In keeping with hearing the opinions of other Racial Nationalists on the topic of globalization Fred W. Riggs states that
‘ cultural nationalists deem the global context problematic and troubling, especially as it impacts the effectiveness of race as both a weapon of struggle, and framework for understanding reality. In their judgment, globalization has rendered blacks more susceptible to western and European hegemonic interests. To counteract this, they advocate strengthening, rather than weakening, the racial line’. [8]
In a multitude of ways many Racial Nationalists would agree with this and believe that racial identity needs to be strengthened against the spectre of globalization. Particularly as the ideas of globalization believe that there is “no such thing as race” but that we are all merely global citizens. Of course, there is the supremacist view that we should not bother listening to what African Nationalists have to say, but if they believe in the idea of separatism and each racial group having their own homogenous nation or territory then that is indeed a positive. In fact, there is much we can learn from different Nationalists all over the globe and by ignoring what they have to say we may miss something really useful. Nationalists from Europe, America, Australia etc should be pleased that there are other Racial Nationalists out there around the world that wish to live in their own separate nations without any interference from other racial groups.
Citizenship and globalization also has a link in regards to the idea of what it really means to be a citizen of a particular nation. There is now the common belief in many Western nations that gaining citizenship is about as worthless and meaningless as the piece of paper that it is written on. Fred W. Riggs believes that
‘...the conception of cultural citizenship implies human capacity, and willingness to deemphasize, or even transcend national or some other primordial construction of citizenship and identity—be it race, ethnicity, or religion. Afrocentric scholars who advocate an absolutist and monolithic construction of African and black Diaspora identity are opposed to, and deeply suspicious of, any global cosmopolitan construction of identity’. [9]
So we can see here that even African Nationalists are against the idea of global citizens as it takes away a person’s sense of racial identity and destroys any sense of genuine diversity around the world. The lies of globalism are seen by a variety of Racial Nationalists around the world who realise that it is a danger to be taken seriously because it attempts to fool people into thinking that racial difference is an illusion. White Civil Rights leader David Duke mentions that
‘ all of us know, the world is getting smaller. Incredible advancements in transportation and communication make it so. Many national corporations that once had minor branches overseas have now become truly international, and their own loyalties have gone beyond their own national origins. Profit is their one flag, their one loyalty. It flies above nation, culture, race, morality, health, concerns over the environment, anything. These global concentrations of enormous wealth have become a juggernaut, amassing huge power and weight like a snowball turning into an avalanche. Interwoven with their enterprises, the globalists dominate the media, which, of course, has also become truly international. With it they control the democracies, where the sheeple cannot distinguish between a free press and a controlled one’. [10]
From this statement even our own media supports a globalist agenda and is “managed” to give a particular bias on events and only shows us the news that the media chooses us to see. This just goes to show that Nationalism needs to be internationalized, where Nationalists around the world network together and work in a kind of coalition to help fight against globalization. It must be acknowledged that globalization is a major world-wide threat that wants to destroy our culture, our heritage, our way of life and our nations. Being a mere “citizen” of a nation does not make you a true part of it. Somebody who is truly part of a nation must have been born in that nation and been part of the dominant ethnic/cultural group which helped to form and create that particular nation, for example; somebody would have to be an ethnic Swede, speak Swedish, have been born in Sweden, and been brought up by Swedish customs to be considered a real part of the Swedish nation.
However, that doesn’t mean that our racial differences should be ignored and put aside to fight against the behemoth which is globalization. We need to respect all cultures but fight for our own culture above all. This interconnects very much with the idea of racial separatism and living the way we choose is appropriate for our own kind. We should not have anything to do with the genocidal multiculturalists that wish to transform us all into an unidentifiable mongrelized people. Fred W. Riggs states that
‘...the call for pan-blackist cultural vigilance and unity, and the projection of a monolithic African cultural world and identity, therefore, represent a response to the cultural implications of globalization. In the Afrocentric worldview, culture is an arena of irreconcilable conflict and antagonism between blacks and whites. Blacks are expected to maintain a respectable distance from, and vigilance against, white cultural contacts’. [11]
In many ways what is explained in the above comment is at the core belief of all Racial Nationalists who highly recommend that various racial groups should be separate and respect the right of self-determination and not allow the interference of other racial groups in their affairs. Globalization intrudes into the rights of people who are from different countries, cultures, ethnic groups etc who wish to live their own way according to their customs and beliefs. Globalists don’t care who is right or wrong or what the social or environmental consequences are when it comes to making profits.
Globalization is inextricably linked with the ideology of capitalism. This means that any view about what is right or wrong doesn’t apply when it comes to making profits. Morality is negligent for people who care more about how much money can be made from a particular business venture and not what the possible repercussions may be. A Pan-Blackist by the name of Professor Tunde Adeleke argues that
‘...those who preached Globalization couldn't tell the difference between ethics and morality. Ethics is the measurement of the public good. Morality is the weapon of religious and social righteousness. Political and economic ideologies often decline into religious-style morality toward the end. But Globalization had shoved ethics to the side from the very beginning and insisted upon a curious sort of moral righteousness that included maximum trade, unrestrained self-interest, and governments alone respecting their debts’.[12]
The individuals who take on the globalist viewpoint are not Nationalist minded people but are instead people who have no genuine understanding whatsoever to a sense of pride, identity or passion for their homeland or their own people. Globalists must be seen as people who cannot be trusted and would rather stab a person in the back if they could make a profit from it. They are kinds of people that believe that it is money “which makes the world go around”, anything else is of minor importance.
Globalization has only caused more pain and more suffering and conflict around the world than it has cured. Globalization is causing the genocide of unique cultures and ethnic groups around the world. Those ethnic groups that breed quicker than others are taking over places demographically and often replacing the original inhabitancy and creating a new area. Just like what happened with the Serbs losing the territory of Kosovo (which is Serbian ancestral homeland) to Albanian Muslims who became the dominant populace. People are being duped into believing that globalization is a good thing when in reality it is turning us into a very crowded, materialistic and mongrelized planet. Professor Tunde Adeleke believes that
‘...the reconceptualization of civilization through the prism of economics had reached a critical barrier. Beyond that barrier any international exchange that involved a commercial element would be treated as fundamentally commercial. Culture would be seen as a mere matter of industrial regulation; food, as a secondary outcome of agricultural industries’.[13]
This shows a prime example of how important things like culture, identity and even the food we eat is placed into economic value rather than being worth more than that .This shows how globalization and capitalism work hand-in-hand in dehumanizing us all.
We can already see the cracks forming in the idea of globalization being this wonderful, perfect, amazing thing which will help the peoples of the world all work together in harmony as “global citizens” in some kind of delusional fantasy. No matter what Globalization tries to do we shall always have religious and ethnic rivalries. Bringing people from far-flung places around the globe and dumping them all in the same place like various multicultural/multiracial societies try to do will only cause more and more problems in the long run. Globalization cannot stop a person’s sense of identity and belonging. When it comes to the collapse of globalism and the rebirth of Nationalism, Canadian John Ralston Saul raises a very interesting question when it comes to our sense of identity as a people. John Ralston Saul asks
‘what makes a people? A people has a common heritage and a will to a common destiny. A people exists despite superficial cleavages such as parties, interest groups, and passing trends in ideologies. As Georges Dumézil, Mircea Eliade, and Carl G. Jung have demonstrated, a people shares a "mythe fondateur"-a communal myth that gives birth to original cultural endeavors. The culture of a people, recalls Alain de Benoist, is its identity card and its mental respiration, and "it is the passport for a future that takes the shape of destiny." When a people becomes oblivious of its founding myth it is doomed to perish. Worse, it may turn into an aggregate of happy robots whose new dictum of universal human rights could be just another cloak for mindless hedonism’. [14]
As Nationalists we need to continually let the adherents of globalism know that we don’t believe in the idea of a “global citizen” and we don’t want to become a bunch of “happy robots” willing to do what is good for big business. It is the duty of Nationalists to wake people up to what is going on around them and to fight back against those who wish for us to forget our “founding myth” as coined by Alain De Benoist.
It is up to Nationalism to point out the obvious gaping flaws in globalization. Those who support communism cannot criticize globalization in an honest and unbiased manner because their own ideology only wants to replace capitalism with another internationalist world-view. Communism talks about giving the proletariat “freedom” when in reality it will lead to suppression and persecution of the people, just like during the reign of Stalin in the Soviet Union, Mao in China, Tito in Yugoslavia or Fidel Castro in Cuba. Professor Tomislav Sunic who is a Croatian-American knows all too well the suffering of those under communism in the former Yugoslavia. As Tomislav Sunic explains
‘Yugoslavia, founded on similar principles of multiculturalism, is a product of the Russian 19th-century pan-Slavism combined with the Wilsonian dream. This experiment has not resulted in perpetual peace. In times of great crises host nations no longer look at aliens as purveyors of exotic folklore, but rather as predators snatching bread from their host's mouth. Peoples are not the same; they never have been and never will be. Ethnic groups can be compared to the inmates of large American prisons, who usually begin to respect each only when their turf is staked out and when their cells are separated by massive stone walls. Thrown into one cell they are likely to devour each other in a perpetual conflict over "territorial imperative"’. [15]
Is this the same fate that shall affect those nations that are having multiculturalism/multiracialism forced onto them now? What clearly needs to be understood is that it will be racial separatism that will help stop any possibly conflicts that arise and not integration or assimilation as the multiculturalists/multiracialists will try and tell you.
Globalization in many ways is actually the scourge of diversity and not really the helper. It is full of inconsistencies and contradictions all in the name of making all the things we do and hold dear into economic commodities that are given monetary value. There is no need to have the same kind of restaurant or particular kind of soft drink all around the world, when people go overseas they shouldn’t expect to find the same things they have back in their own countries. As David Duke mentions
‘...building a McDonald’s and a coca cola machine on every street corner of the world is not only injurious to the health of the people of the world, it is uniformity, not diversity. It is unicultural not multicultural. Supporting massive immigration into Western nations is not multicultural; the nations the immigrants come from offer a truly different cultural environment. Melting them into one brown mass does not create diversity; it eventually destroys the indigenous culture of that particular nation. Even more so, it destroys the unique genetic heritage and character of those people and the unique nations that they created. Is it really a good thing for Germans to be outnumbered by Turks in their own nation? Is it good to remake Germany into a land foreign to its own people? Is it good to make whole sections of America into a replica of Mexico? Should The Russian people in the 21st century become dissolved by a massive influx of Asians, a fate Russia diligently avoided for two thousand years?’.[16]
These are all valid questions by David Duke that people need to ask themselves if they believe that globalization is a good thing, particularly those defenders of diversity and multiculturalism. Do these people actually realise that they are not supporting genuine diversity at all, but are really trying to turn us all into one mass-mongrelized world where everything is the same? Do these people who support this fake globalist diversity want to be responsible for the genocide of various unique cultures and peoples around the world? I hope those who support multiculturalism/multiracialism and read this article have a really good hard look in the mirror and ask themselves whether they are really supporting true diversity.
Now I realise it is unfair to lay all the blame of Globalization on the United States of America but they did play a major role in the beginning of it all. In his book Revolt against the Modern World Julius Evola clearly states that
‘America ... has created a “civilization” that represents an exact contradiction of the ancient European tradition. It has introduced the religion of praxis and productivity; it has put the quest for profit, great industrial production, and mechanical, visible, and quantative achievements over any other interest. It has generated a soulless greatness of a purely technological and collective nature, lacking any background of transcendence, inner light, and true spirituality. America has [built a society where] man becomes a mere instrument of production and material productivity within a conformist social conglomerate’. [17]
However, it can now be said that globalization has become a kind of Frankenstein’s Monster for America because of the world economic crisis with so many companies going bust and almost most of the world facing recession. Globalization has also caused big businesses to look elsewhere for cheap labour as they want to make more profits rather than having to pay workers more as they would in Western nations. The association between globalization and cheap labour has caused many Western nations to lose jobs to those 3rd World nations that pay their workers a lot less and it is the big businesses that reap the rewards. As Brenda Walker explains
‘...hundreds of thousands of high-paying manufacturing jobs have moved from the U.S. to Mexico, where they have become low-paying manufacturing jobs, even by Mexican standards. As Ralph Nader has said, “Globalized trade is a race to the bottom.” Such a result should not be surprising, however; globalized economic rules are completely skewed to benefit capital and investors. Mere citizens get zero’.[18]
From this comment it explains that the idea of a “trickle-down effect” for those workers doesn’t really happen. If anything, those workers in 3rd World nations who work for these massive multi-national companies are nothing more than slaves that are given a pittance compared to the millions of dollars the executives get for those companies.
Many people seem to forget that globalization is something that not just affects things like the products you buy, the restaurants you eat in and the clothes you wear, but it also affects entire Nations. It allows capitalism to run rampant without any concerns for what future consequences may arise. Ali A. Mazrui, an African academic, believes that
‘..globalization is negative when it allows itself to be a handmaiden to ruthless capitalism, increases the danger of warfare by remote control, deepens the divide between the haves and have-nots, and accelerates damage to our environment’.[19]
Plus there is the view that having a successful economy in more valuable than saving human lives. Starving people in a country cannot get in the way of making money. For example; if a tribe of people needed livestock because they are facing famine but they had not enough money to pay for these livestock what are they to do? Would those owners of livestock in the marketplace be expected to make a loss and give away their livestock for free just to help this tribe? We unfortunately live in a globalized world where profit margins supersede any value on human life. In the article Environment, Globalization and Genocide, S. Rowan Wolf, Ph.D. explicates that
‘...if there is a refusal to feed people when there is food available for fear of "disrupting" capitalist economics, then what is the likelihood of providing feed for the livestock of these tribes? None. So, the human influenced environmental catastrophe is worsened by the influence of globalization, resulting in the genocide of a people’.[20]
Now this relates back to one of the banner used at APEC in Sydney, September 2007, which says Globalization is Genocide! This is because the Globalists are more than happy to see entire cultures and peoples either amalgamated or wiped out so long as the mass multi-national companies they are part of continue to make profits. Keeping shareholders happy is far more important than the loss of human life. Globalists do not care if a country is being slowly demographically taken over, house by house, street by street, suburbs by suburb, city by city by various alien cultures.
Another threat which faces countries through globalization is how the economy and keeping big businesses happy is far more important for governments than keeping the people of that particular Nation happy. The unique individuality and sovereignty of that Nation can also be filtered away to bend to the will of the globalists. Ali A. Mazrui also states that
‘...globalization in governance is also leading to dilution of sovereignty within each country and the reduction of the power of the central government. Those European countries which have adopted the EURO as their currency have lost some sovereignty in the arena of monetary control. Regional unification in Europe is reducing the sovereignty of each member’.[21]
That is why it would be the requirement of a Nationalist government to repel any globalist changes to preserve a nation’s unique culture, identity and sovereignty. The most ideal solution for a Nationalist government to undertake would be to encourage “economic patriotism” which favours goods and services in their own country. This can be implemented via either demand stimulation or through supply protection (e.g. tariffs). But as has been stated throughout this article the issue of economics will not be discussed in any detail as the prime topic is globalization. Ian McKinney sums it up best in relation to discussing Racial Nationalism when he elucidates that
‘RN places the well-being of the people above that of economics; Economics is treated merely as a tool for the advancement of the racial community and not an end in itself. Thus, dangerous pollution and worker exploitation would be necessarily restricted, not from a desire to increase state control, but for the protection of the environment that is necessary for healthy living. We also recognize the danger posed by the ultra-wealthy and corporations who are able to manipulate government policy for their own selfish purposes, which in many cases are destructive’. [22]
This sort of belief is probably the most sensible, realistic and caring when it comes to the interconnection between globalization and its effects on the economy in a particular country.
In many respects, it is the obligation of every Nationalist no matter where they are in the world to rebel against the encroachment of globalization. We cannot sit idly by while our culture, our people and our way of life slowly melts away in a mongrelized mass of “global citizenry”. As reiterated earlier, it is important belief of a Nationalist to respect other cultures but to fight for your own culture because it is your own culture which you belong to and that makes you different and unique to others. We cannot let the globalists, who work hand-in-hand with the multiculturalists/multiracialists, have their way as it would mean the total destruction of the future for your people, your family and your culture. Globalization is no friend to diversity or to Nationalism. If anything, it is a deceitful enemy of all the various cultures around the world who wish to remain independent, free and preserve their identity and way of life. As S. Rowan Wolf, Ph.D. cautions
‘there is a sad irony in the fact that the path that has brought the world to this place is not recognized as a failed paradigm. As the world groans and peoples and cultures die, the decision is to plow ahead at all due speed. One can hope that people will rise up in time to change the path we are on, but that change is already too late for thousands of cultures’.[23]
This warning must be heeded before it comes too late for us all no matter what part of the world we are from. Our civilization would simply fall apart because of globalization and the mass amounts of people from alien cultures demographically taking over our nations and this must be stopped.
Overall, the only question is, how are we supposed to do this? Well, I would suggest the most important thing is to go out there and do Nationalistic activism. Sitting around complaining about things over the Internet on a discussion forum will never achieve anything in the long run and neither will immature infighting amongst various Nationalists because they don’t agree 100% with your own views. We all know that it is actions that speak louder than any words. I encourage people who read this to go out there into the “real world” and get active! We need to rebel against the oppression in our countries that forces us to just allow the globalist agenda to have its own way without any hindrance. Striving for freedom and liberty for our nation, our culture and our people should be our ultimate priority. The Russian Anarchist Mikhail Bakunin pronounces that
‘I feel myself always the patriot of all oppressed fatherlands. . . Nationality. . . is a historic, local fact which, like all real and harmless facts, has the right to claim general acceptance. . . Every people, like every person, is involuntarily that which it is and therefore has a right to be itself. . . Nationality is not a principle; it is a legitimate fact, just as individuality is. Every Nationality, great or small, has the incontestable right to be itself, to live according to its own nature. This right is simply the corollary of the general principal of freedom.’[24]
While it is understandable that many in Nationalist circles are suspicious of Anarchism this particular quote shows that every Nationality has a right to exist and for freedom and it goes against the globalist belief of the entire world being forced to become “global citizens” and our unique ethnic differences being changed to sameness.
To stop this, as Nationalists we need to start networking and organising ourselves to work in groups to do more activism. We need make sure we turn up to political demonstrations or just create our own. It is crucial to be involved with activist groups with the long-term intention of creating a broader Nationalist movement and becoming politically active. As Nationalists we cannot just be reactionary and wait for something to happen we need to make things happen ourselves! We need to be Nationalist revolutionaries that want to change things for the better and to protect our own ethnic groups, our own culture and our nations before globalization destroys everything that we hold dear and special to us all. I encourage all you Nationalists out there who read this article to get out there and make a difference, that way when you are old and grey you can proudly and honestly say to your grandchildren you did your bit to fight against the scourge of globalization with a clear conscience. Get up from behind your computers and fight for your people, fight your culture, fight for your way of life and most of all, fight for your nation against globalization!
*Colin Godfrey is a supporter of New Right Australia/New Zealand and can be contacted through the NR website
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